This repository aims to allow extracting SQL workloads from Tableau Public.
The following assumes MacOS.
Install the Tableau Public app:
Install jq to parse the log files postgres to extract the CSV data:
brew install jq
Install python hyper API for conversion scripts:
pip install --user tableauhyperapi
To extract the queries from a workbook, open it in the Tableau GUI and click through all tabs.
automates this for some interesting public workbooks.
Then, use the
script to convert the Tableau data files to CSVs and dump the schema.
Afterwards, you can load the schema and the data:
-- create the Extract table that tableau uses
\i ahlyAfrica/excel_direct_42363_552682708300.sql
-- and load the csv data
\i ahlyAfrica/load.sql
Now, you can execute queries:
\i ahlyAfrica/queries.sql
Original public_bi_benchmark by CWI Data Architectures Group. Tableau API by Tableau. Everything licensed user MIT.