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Currency API Client

Minimalistic & typed api client for currency-api


Using yarn:

yarn add currency-api-client

Using npm:

npm i currency-api-client

👀 Quickstart

import { CurrencyClient } from "../src";

const client = new CurrencyClient();

client.toCurrency("eur", "usd")
    .then((rate)=> {
        console.log(rate.code); //usd
        console.log(rate.count); // 1.17846 or something like that (how many dollars in euro)

Advanced Example

import { CurrencyClient } from "../src";

const client = new CurrencyClient({
    minified: true, // Whether to request compressed data or data with indentation. (default: true)
    userAgent: "Mozila Firefox", // How the sender of the request will be signed. (default: -)

    (currencies) => currencies.forEach(
        (currency, index) => console.log(`${index+1}. ${currency.code} - ${}`)
    ) // logs currencies list in format "1. USD - American Dollar" etc.

client.currency("eur", "2020-11-25").then(
    (currency) => {
            (rate, index) => {
                console.log(`${index+1}. ${rate.code} - ${rate.count}`);
        ) // logs currency to currency rates list in format "1. EUR - 1.25" etc.

client.toCurrency("eur", "usd")
    .then((rate)=> {
        console.log(rate.code); //usd
        console.log(rate.count); // 1.17846 or something like that (how many dollars in euro)

    code: "usd",
    count: 10,
}, "uah")
    .then((uahCount)=> {
        console.log(uahCount); // 10$ in UAH ( something about 270-300 UAH )


currencies(date?:string, minified?:boolean)

Returns an array of all currencies (their name and code) for a certain date or latest.

currency(code:string, date?:string, minified?:boolean)

Returns data (name and rate to other currencies) of a currency with a certain code, as of the specified date or latest.

toCurrency(code:string, toCode:string, date?:string, minified?:boolean)

Returns rate of a currency with a certain code to the other currency with a certain toCode, as of the specified date or latest.

toCurrency(from:{code:string, count:number}, toCode:string, date?:string, minified?:boolean)

Returns converted count of a currency with a certain code to the other currency with a certain toCode, using the exchange rate, as of the specified date or latest.


MIT - Made by tsziming