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GUI Extension for NeoVim in C++

Note:Only support Linux, it may not work on others.


  • Neovim 0.3.2 or later

  • Qt5.7 or later

    • Qt Download

    • On Ubuntu18.04, default Qt version is 5.9 or later now

  • Boost Library

    • You can install Boost Library by using package manager

    • Required libboost-thread and libboost-system

    sudo apt install libboost-thread-dev libboost-system-dev
  • C++ compiler

    • compiler which can build c++17 such as clang, g++ etc (You will have one)
  • CMake

    sudo apt install cmake
  • Msgpack-c 2.0 or later

    cd path/to/anydir/
    git clone
    cd msgpack-c
    mkdir build
    cd build && cmake .. && make
    make install
  • Jinja2

    pip install jinja2

You can install with this


If you have dein.vim, you can write on your dein.toml


or write in init.vim

call dein#add('tsubota-kouga/Basilico')

Note: You can NOT write on your dein_lazy.toml

And make alias

alias basil='bash path/to/sh/basil'


You can customize, whether use gui tabline or not. And if you use gui tabline, you can set Qt Style Sheet to tabline.

Note: To use Tabpage Plugin, g:basilico#ext_tabline must be v:true.

global val type default example
g:basilico#ext_tabline bool v:false v:true
g:basilico#tabline_style_sheet string '' 'background-color: #444444;'
command name explanation
BasilGenerate Genarate C++ header, source, and so on
BasilBuild Build Basilico

To Install Basilico Plugins, please do following

  1. add to dein.toml or init.vim

  2. start neovim

  3. execute BasilGenerate command

  4. execute BasilBuild command


  • Tabpage Plugin support

  • Dock Widget Plugin support

  • Multi Wide Charactor support

  • ext_tabline ui_option support

  • mouse support


  • ext_multigrid ui_option support

  • Window Plugin support

  • cursor blinking support

  • vimscript Basilico GUI library


MIT Licence except neovim.cpp and img directory.

neovim.cpp directory has changed from original.

Original repository is here. Thanks!

nvim.png under img directory by Jason Long is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.