The plugin extends request-response trooba plugin to koa like execution template.
Requires trooba framework version 3+ and node 8+
npm install trooba -S
npm install trooba-request-response-async -S
const Trooba = require('trooba');
.use(async (ctx, next) => {
console.log(ctx.request); // > ping
// wait for response
await next();
console.log(ctx.response); // > pong
.use(ctx => {
console.log(ctx.request); // > ping
ctx.response = 'pong';
const response = await pipe.request('ping');
const Trooba = require('trooba');
.use(async ctx => {
console.log(ctx.request); // > ping
const requestBody = readBody(;
// set response metadata that will be flushed with the first chunk
ctx.response = 'pong';
// or you can also do ctx.response({status:200, headers: {...}})
// Now write a stream using standard streams
// or via writer
var ctx = pipe.request('ping');
// or you can do pipe.request({ headers: {...}, path: 'path/to/resource' })'foo').write('foo').end();
var response = await ctx.response;
console.log(response); // > pong
const body = readBody(
async function readBody(stream) {
var body = [];
while(true) {
const data = await;
if (data === undefined) {
return body;
const Trooba = require('trooba');
var pipe = Trooba
.use(async (ctx, next) => {
console.log(ctx.request); // > ping
// wait for response
try {
await next();
catch (err) {
throw err;
.use(ctx => {
console.log(ctx.request); // > ping
ctx.response = 'pong';
pipe.request('ping'); // will throw error
const Trooba = require('trooba');
var retryCount = 1;
var pipe = Trooba
.use(async (ctx, next) => {
console.log(ctx.request); // > ping
// wait for response
try {
await next(); // will fail first time
catch (err) {
// retry again
await next();
.use(ctx => {
console.log(ctx.request); // > ping
if (retryCount-- > 0) {
throw new Error('Boom');
ctx.response = 'pong';
pipe.request('ping'); // will throw error