In February 2023, I applied to the QOSF mentorship program. Applicants are given a screening task, and I chose to "find the largest of two signed integers".
One way to accomplish this is mentioned near the end of "A new quantum ripple-carry addition circuit" by Cuccaro, Draper, Kutin, and Moulton.
They describe an adder circuit, and then mention that it "can easily be turned into a subtractor... by adding two time slices: complement a at the start, and complement a and s at the end."
They say that the carry bit of the resulting subtractor "is 1 if and only if a < b."
I found in developing this that their definition of "less than" requires
viewing the encoded bit strings as unsigned integers, so that, for example,
when using 4-bit registers, the carry bit will be 1 when a = 1
and b = -1
That's because -1 is encoded to 4 bits as 1111, which may also be read as 15.
Thus, I had to determine the maximum using the parity of 3 values:
- the carry bit
- the MSB (sign bit) of a
- the MSB (sign bit) of b
Even parity means that a is the greater signed value, whereas odd parity means that b is the greater signed value.
This repo was developed and tested with python 3.10.10, qiskit 0.41.1, qiskit-terra 0.23.2, and qiskit-aer 0.11.2. The circuit is created as a qiskit circuit library component. Code is formatted by black.
Tests proving the intended functionality are written with pytest, including tests of randomly generated input values from 3-bit and 4-bit precision, all the way up to 10-bit precision.
As long as one has a quantum computer or simulator with enough qubits,
this solution will work for any size integer. See the test
for an example showing the constraints.
The statevector_simulator
allows up to 24 qubits, so 10-bit integers
are the largest ones we can compare without a bigger quantum computer.
Running all the tests takes about 105 seconds on my laptop;
most of that time, about 75 seconds, is taken by the one and only
10-bit circuit execution.
python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
pytest -s
Running will print the following:
Finding the largest number among the choices 5 and -6...
The answer is: 5
q6_0: ┤ X ├┤ X ├┤0 ├┤ X ├──────────
├───┤└───┘│ │├───┤
q6_1: ┤ X ├─────┤1 ├┤ X ├──────────
├───┤┌───┐│ │├───┤
q6_2: ┤ X ├┤ X ├┤2 ├┤ X ├──────────
├───┤└───┘│ │├───┤
q6_3: ┤ X ├─────┤3 ├┤ X ├──■───────
└───┘ │ │├───┤ │
q7_0: ──────────┤4 ├┤ X ├──┼───────
┌───┐ │ CDKMRippleCarryAdder │├───┤ │
q7_1: ┤ X ├─────┤5 ├┤ X ├──┼───────
└───┘ │ │├───┤ │
q7_2: ──────────┤6 ├┤ X ├──┼───────
┌───┐ │ │├───┤ │
q7_3: ┤ X ├──■──┤7 ├┤ X ├──┼───────
└───┘ │ │ │└───┘ │
a1_0: ───────┼──┤8 ├───────┼────■──
│ │ │ │ │
a1_1: ───────┼──┤9 ├───────┼────┼──
┌─┴─┐└───────────────────────┘ ┌─┴─┐┌─┴─┐
a1_2: ─────┤ X ├──────────────────────────────┤ X ├┤ X ├
└───┘ └───┘└───┘