Homebrew tap for the the touist
release as well as some QBF and SAT
solvers that I wanted to make available more easily.
To install touist
brew install touist/touist/touist
To push a new release:
brew bump-formula-pr touist/touist/touist --url=https://github.com/touist/touist/archive/v3.4.4.tar.gz
When the PR is green, pull the PR locally:
HOMEBREW_BINTRAY_USER=maelvalais HOMEBREW_BINTRAY_KEY=$(security find-generic-password -s bintray-api-key -a maelvalais -w) brew pull --bottle --bintray-org=touist --test-bot-user=touist https://github.com/touist/homebrew-touist/pull/16
To create a new formula:
brew create --tap touist/touist https://github.com/touist/touist/archive/v3.4.4.tar.gz
Bottles (= pre-built binaries) for linux (x86_64) and macOS are built automatically by Travis CI.
See the gist How-to-automate-build-bottles-your-tap.md for a thoughout explanation on how I did this full automation.