by Efraim Meulenberg
- Requires jQuery
- 'Slider' requires rangeslider by André Ruffert (
- 'ColorPicker' requires Iris (
The inputField class creates interactive fields that are useful for realtime editing of css properties or any other toolbar use. Currently an inputField can be a 'size' element (a number input that can differentiate between pixels and percentage), and a dropdown element. To create a new 'size' input field:
var sizer = new inputField(
'container': '#thingyHere', //jquery reference or jquery search string for the container
'id': 'editWidth', //id-name to use (optional)
'disabled': true, //start the field off disabled or not (optional)
'onoff': true, //add ability to turn the field on or off (optional)
'value': '85%', //default value (in pixels "90px" or percent "90%") (optional)
'type': 'size', //type of input field ('size', 'slider' or 'dropdown')
'placeholder': "Width", //placeholder name (in case no value is specified) (optional)
'callback': function (value) //callback function that's called on-change and on enable/disable
console.log('Size callback says:');
To create a dropdown menu, use the following:
var dropdown = new inputField(
'container': '#droppyHere', //jquery reference or jquery search string for the container
'id': 'editAlignment', //id-name to use (optional)
'disabled': false, //start the field off disabled or not (optional)
'type': 'dropdown', //type of input field ('size', 'slider' or 'dropdown')
'onoff': true, //add ability to turn the field on or off (optional)
'options': //The <options> (value, label) to add to the dropdown
'left': "Left",
'right': "Right",
'center': "Center" //callback function that's called on-change and on enable/disable
'callback': function (value)
console.log('dropdown callback says:');
To create a range-slider, use the following:
var slider = new inputField(
type: 'slider', //type of input field ('size', 'slider' or 'dropdown')
container: '#holder',
id: 'editRoundCorners',
disabled: false,
onoff: true,
min: 0, //minimum value of the range slider
max: 50, //maximum value of the range slider
value: 5, //start value of the range slider
callback: function(value)
console.log('RangeSlider callback says:');
To create a color picker, use the following:
var clrPickr = new inputField(
type: 'color',
container: '#clrPickr',
id: 'colorPickerId',
disabled: false,
onoff: true,
value: '#f7ad0c',
callback: function(value)
console.log('ColorPicker callback says:');
The following methods can be use to influence the inputField at realtime:
inputField.getValue() //return the value of the input field
inputField.disable() //disable the input field
inputField.enable() //enable the input field
inputField.setValue(v, force) //set the value of the field to v, force(optional) is a bool to let the callback function know or not
inputField.setErrorMessage(html) //create an error message underneath the field
TODO: Add support for dynamically added options to the dropdown type