E-Patient is healthcare website, book appointments and view health records.
- Type some Markdown on the left
- See HTML in the right
- Magic
- 2 factor authentication(email verification and phone number verificaiton)
- Strong security
You can also:
- Import and save files from GitHub, Dropbox, Google Drive and One Drive
- Drag and drop markdown and HTML files into E-Patient
- Export documents as Markdown, HTML and PDF
- [administrator] - manage all users, (add,delete)
- [doctor] - view Health records and acept appointments
- [patient] - Search doctors and book appointments.
E-Patient requires Python 3.0+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ pip3 install django
$ pip3 install twilio
$ node app
For production environments...
$ npm install --production
$ NODE_ENV=production node app
e-patient is currently extended with the following plugins. Instructions on how to use them in your own application are linked below.
Plugin | README |
Dropbox | [plugins/dropbox/README.md][PlDb] |
Github | [plugins/github/README.md][PlGh] |
Google Drive | [plugins/googledrive/README.md][PlGd] |
Want to contribute? Great! Open your favorite Terminal and run these commands.
Run Server :
$ python3 manage.py runserver
$ python3 manage.py migrate
For production release:
Edit settings.py to look for static files in a directory called static in our root directory:
-STATIC_URL = '/python/static/' -STATIC_ROOT = '/usr/local/lsws/Example/demo/public/static'
Collect static files:
$ mkdir -p public/static
$ python3 manage.py collectstatic
Change owner::
$ chown -R nobody:nogroup /usr/local/lsws/Example/demo
Verify the deployment by navigating to your server address in your preferred browser.
- Write MORE Tests
- Add Night Mode
Please visit live site https://e-patient.co/