Modeled after the nmea_2000_router and the can_router, let you plugin nmea_0183_uart and nmea_0183_log as backends that generate NMEA 0183 messages as input.
Then use nmea_0813_router:attach() for applications to subscribe to nmea_message's.
Checkout nmea_0183_srv.erl how to setup subscription and handle simple nmea_0183 inputs.
To automatically add backends to the nmea_0183_router an interface list is used in sys.config example:
{nmea_0183_uart,1,[{device,"/dev/ttyUSB0"},{baud, 4800}]}
The backends can also be started manually with a start function in the backend, and the backends can also be used standalone ( set options [{router, undefined}, {receiver, self()}] . )