- 创建项目目录
mkdir -p /var/www/myp
cd /var/www/myp
mkdir -p app bootstrap config
cd ./app
vi composer.json
"require": {
"tomhjx/simplyphp": "master@dev"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "src/"
"repositories": {
"tomhjx/simplyphp" : {
"type": "vcs",
"url": "[email protected]:tomhjx/simplyphp.git"
"minimum-stability": "dev"
composer install
- 创建项目引导文件
vi /var/www/myp/bootstrap/instance.php
include dirname(__DIR__). '/app/vendor/autoload.php';
return \Core\Foundation\Application::getInstance(dirname(__DIR__));
├── tests (测试用例)
└── src
├── Cache (缓存相关)
├── Cookies (cookies相关)
├── Session (会话相关)
├── Database (数据库相关)
│ └── Connection.php (数据库连接类,提供CRUD)
├── Console (命令行相关)
│ └── Command.php (命令行基类)
├── Log (日志相关)
│ └── Logger.php (日志工具类)
├── Http
│ ├── Exceptions (http类型异常处理类)
│ ├── Response.php (响应对象)
│ └── Request.php (请求对象)
└── Foundation
├── Controller.php (控制器基类)
├── Model.php (模型基类)
└── Application.php (入口启动类)
├── bootstrap (目录包含引导框架并配置自动加载的文件)
├── app (应用代码)
│ ├── vendor (包含 Composer 管理的类库)
│ ├── src (应用程序类库)
│ │ ├── Tasks (计划任务类)
│ │ ├── Models (模型类)
│ │ ├── Controllers (控制器类)
│ │ ├── Commands (命令行工具类)
│ │ ├── Support (公共方法类)
│ │ └── Exceptions (异常处理类)
│ └── resources (视图与资源文件)
│ ├── lang (语言包)
│ └── views (视图)
├── data (包含应用生成的文件)
│ ├── tmp (临时文件)
│ ├── cache (缓存)
│ └── logs (日志)
├── config (配置文件)
├── deploy (部署相关)
│ └── database (存放数据库语句文件)
│ └── 数据库 (以库名命名的目录)
│ └── 数据表.sql(以表名命名的sql文件)
├── tests (测试用例)
└── public (包含入口文件index.php、可直接访问的css、js等资源文件)
- 控制器
- 模型
- 视图
- 配置统一管理
- 数据库操作
- 命令行工具
- Composer 管理依赖包
- 约定原则
- 日志
- 日志延迟写
- cookies
- session
- cache
- 计划任务管理
- 事件
- 多语言
- 脚手架
- 缓存管理
- 请求方式限制配置
- 新建一个控制器
vi app/Controllers/User/Auth.php
namespace Controllers\User;
use Core\Foundation\Controller;
Class Auth extends Controller
public function loginAction()
$request = $this->getRequset();
$data = [
return $this->json($data);
- 发起POST请求
$ curl -i -x -d "uname=aaaa&&pwd=123" "http://bi.ciyo.work.net/user/auth/login"
- 返回
- 获取请求参数
请求方式 | 控制器提供的调用方式 |
GET | $this->getRequset()->getQuery |
POST | $this->getRequset()->getPost |
GET/POST | $this->getRequset()->get |
$order = \App\Models\Business\House\Order::getInstance();
vi app/Models/User/Account.php
namespace Models\User;
use Core\Foundation\Model;
Class Account extends Model
public function login($account, $password)
配置文件名 | 参数名 | 备注 |
db | host | 数据库域名或ip |
db | port | 数据库端口 |
db | user | 访问数据库的用户名 |
db | password | 访问数据库的用户密码 |
db | database | 数据库名称 |
db | options | 驱动参数,目前仅支持pdo驱动 |
$connection = $this->getApp()->getDataBaseConnection('配置key名');
- 执行自定义sql,并返回结果
// show create table a
$connection->fetchOne('show create table a');
// show create table a
$connection->fetchAll('show create table a');
// select c1, c2 from a where id=1
$connection->fetchAll('select c1, c2 from a where id=?', [1]);
- 执行自定义sql,仅返回影响行数
// show create table a
$connection->execute('show create table a');
// select id,ctime from mytable where id in (1,2,3)
$connection->select('mytable', ['id', 'ctime'], ['id'=> [1,2,3]]);
// select id,ctime from mytable where id > 33
$connection->select('mytable', ['id', 'ctime'], 'id>?', [33]);
// select id,ctime from mytable where id > 33 limit 100
$connection->select('mytable', ['id', 'ctime'], 'id>?', [33], 100);
// select id,ctime from mytable where id > 33 order by id desc limit 100
['id', 'ctime'], 'id>?', [33], ['id'=>'desc'], 100);
// select id,ctime from mytable where id > 33 order by id desc limit 1,100
['id', 'ctime'], 'id>?', [33], ['id'=>'desc'], [1, 100]);
// insert into mytable (id, ctime) values (1, 1111)
$connection->insert('mytable', ['id'=>1, 'ctime'=>1111]);
// insert IGNORE into mytable (id, ctime) values (1, 1111)
$connection->insert('mytable', ['id'=>1, 'ctime'=>1111], true);
// insert into mytable (id, ctime) values (1, 1111), (2, 2222), (3, 3333)
$connection->insertBatch('mytable', [ ['id'=>1, 'ctime'=>1111], ['id'=>2, 'ctime'=>2222], ['id'=>3, 'ctime'=>3333]]);
// insert IGNORE into mytable (id, ctime) values (1, 1111), (2, 2222), (3, 3333)
[ ['id'=>1, 'ctime'=>1111], ['id'=>2, 'ctime'=>2222], ['id'=>3, 'ctime'=>3333]], true);
// 新增后返回新增记录id
$connection->insertRetLastId('mytable', ['id'=>1, 'ctime'=>1111]);
// insert into mytable (id, ctime) values (1, 1111), (2, 2222)
// on duplicate key update ctime = values(ctime)
[['id'=>1, 'ctime'=>1111], ['id'=>2, 'ctime'=>2222]],
// update mytable set ctime=1234 where id = 1
$connection->update('mytable', ['ctime'=>1234], ['id'=>1]);
// update mytable set ctime=1234 where id in (1,2,3)
$connection->update('mytable', ['ctime'=>1234], ['id'=>[1,2,3] ]);
// update mytable set ctime=1234 where id > 1
$connection->update('mytable', ['ctime'=>1234], 'id>?', [1]);
// delete from mytable where id > 1
$connection->delete('mytable', 'id>?', 1);
// delete from mytable where id in (1,2,3)
$connection->delete('mytable', ['id'=>[1,2,3]]);
// delete from mytable where id between 100 and 200
$connection->delete('mytable', 'id between ? and ?', [100, 200]);
- 调用服务配置
配置项 | 备注 |
host | rpc服务主机域名或ip |
return [
'hotel' => [
'host' => 'hotel.hiii-life.rpc',
'order' => [
'host' => 'order.hiii-life.rpc',
'product' => [
'host' => 'product.hiii-life.rpc',
'supplier' => [
'host' => 'supplier.hiii-life.rpc',
- 调用服务
$client = \Core\Rpc\Client::getInstance();
$client->call('hotel', ['Hotel', 'Info', 'detail'], ['aa']);
- 客户端传递 header
# 代码片段
$client = \Core\Rpc\Client::getInstance();
$client->setHeader('appid', 1001);
$client->setHeader('appname', 'xgo-driver');
return $client->call('config', ['Geo', 'CallingCode', 'list'], []);
- nginx配置
server {
listen 80;
server_name hotel.hiii-life.rpc;
root /data1/src/web/api.hotel.hiii-life.com/public;
location / {
rewrite ^(.*)$ /rpc.php?$query_string last;
location = /rpc.php {
fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
fastcgi_pass hotel.api.fpm;
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.*)$;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_param HTTPS off;
access_log /data1/log/nginx/hotel.hiii-life.rpc-access.log;
error_log /data1/log/nginx/hotel.hiii-life.rpc-error.log;
- 接口代码编写
namespace App\RpcControllers\Hotel;
use App\Exceptions\LangException;
class Info extends \Core\Foundation\RpcController
public function detailAction($id)
return ['id'=>$id, 'where'=>__DIR__];
public function listAction($page=0, $size=100)
return ['list'=>[], 'page'=>$page, 'size'=>$size];
public function exceptionAction($type=1)
throw new LangException('house', 103005012);
public function sleepAction($sec=3)
return $sec;
配置文件存放在 app/config/
配置文件名 | 参数名 | 备注 |
crossOrigin | jsonpCallbackUrlParamName | jsonp callback参数名 |
crossOrigin | corsAllowHeaders | cors 允许访问的请求header |
$configs = $this->getApp()->getConfig('crossOrigin');
log |class | 日志工具类名,默认\Core\Log\Logger
log |level | 记录日志的级别,高于指定级别的日志将被记录,默认是error
$ ./console DismantleOrderDays
namespace App\Commands;
use Core\Console\Command;
class DismantleOrderDays extends Command
public function run()
$ ./console core:task.run check
$ ./console core:schedule.run
任务类存放在应用项目的 app/Tasks
- 每小时执行
namespace App\Tasks;
use Core\Console\Task;
class Demo extends Task
public function run()
echo "hi";
public function getInterval()
return 3600;
- 每天3点执行(每天至少在3点之后执行1次)
namespace App\Tasks;
use Core\Console\Task;
class Demo extends Task
public function run()
echo "hi";
public function getHour()
return 3;
- 在入口文件定义默认缓存时间
$app = include __DIR__ . '/../app/bootstrap/instance.php';
$kernel = new \Core\Http\Kernel();
// 缓存一分钟
- 在接口层控制缓存时间
public function myAction()
// 设置1分钟缓存
- 配置文件
vi ~/Work/src/web/api.admin.hiii-life.com/config/common/always.php
- 命令行传入参数
使用方法: ./consle Test -params=123;