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Boilerplate for Continuous deployment in Kubernetes and GCP and Github


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Boilerplate for Continuous deployment in Kubernetes

Boilerplate for continuous deployment in Kubernetes on GCP using Github


The main 2 tools you need to use is gcloud to manage GCP services and kubectl which you need to manage the kubernetes cluster.

Most of the common operations are covered by the ./cli

1. Install tools

Install GCP gcloud manager

Follow GCP instructions

Install Kubetctl

gcloud components install kubectl

Install Docker engine

Install instructions follow

[Optional] Install docker-compose

Install instructions follow

2. Settings

For a simpler configuration create a file in your user directory called .kube-test.rc with the following variables setup.

K8S_NAMESPACES=dev stag prod
GCP_PROJ_ID=<GCP Project id>
GCP_LOCATION=<gcp location>
GCP_CA_JSON=<GCP service token>
GCP_USER=<GCP service user>
  • K8S_NAMESPACES List of desired namespaces
  • K8S_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE Default namespace
  • GCP_USER GCP service user e.g. gcp-sa
  • GCP_KLUSTER_NAME GCP Kubernetes kluster name
  • GCP_CA_JSON Base64 encoded GCP Json certificate for service user

After the steps, simply check the installation with ./cli check

How to use

./cli help

./cli deploy Will deploy to K8S_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE

./cli deploy stag Will deploy to stag namespace ...

Folder structure

All folders prefixed by app_ are considered Kubernetes Apps, which for an easier management forces to have a particular structure.

  |_> build: all dockerfiles
  |_> deploy: all kubernetes configuration files, including databases, services, etc


Lost kubectl config?

Running kubectl get all and getting this error:

The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

Use gcloud container clusters list to get the list of clusters available at your GCP account And then configure kubectl with the desired cluster credentials gcloud container clusters get-credentials <CLUSTER NAME> --zone <ZONE>