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Git-Repository for Master's Thesis "Re-Identification Attacks on Smartwatch Health Data" (dtw-attacks-v2)


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Re-Identification Attacks on Smartwatch Health Data

This repository contains the implementation, documentation and results of the research project "Re-Identification Attacks on Smartwatch Health Data". Building on the findings of the project "Privacy at Risk: Exploiting Similarities in Health Data for Identity Inference", a novel and modular attack framework is presented, which includes four dynamic time warping based re-identification attacks.




Wearing a smartwatch enables efficient collection of health data, which can be used for research and comprehensive analysis given the large number of high-quality smartwatch sensors. The smartwatch manufacturers themselves also offer their users various applications, such as sleep monitoring, fall detection, and stress detection, with the goal of improving the health of the individual. However, in addition to numerous analysis and self-optimization options, ensuring privacy when handling health data is an important concern, as the collection and analysis of such data is now ubiquitous. In particular, health data contains sensitive information about the users of smartwatches, which makes it necessary to handle it in a particularly responsible way. In practice, this is often reflected in the use of a de-identification approach, which removes any information that directly identifies the user, such as name, address, IP address, etc., from the collected data. However, the data itself can also be exploited to reveal information and break the supposed anonymity. In this thesis, a novel modular attack framework with a total of four similarity-based re-identification attacks on time series health data is presented, the use of which reveals significant weaknesses in the de-identification approach. The data base is the WESAD data set, with multi-modal smartwatch health data from a total of 15 subjects, as well as two synthetic data sets generated with generative adversarial networks, each with up to 1000 subjects. Despite privacy-preserving measures, the attacks show that a short amount of different sensor data from a target person is sufficient to potentially identify them in a database of other samples, based solely on similarities at the sensor level. To compute the similarity between two samples, the use of dynamic time warping proved to be very useful. For the example scenario where data owners use health data from smartwatches, the results of this work show that the target data can be correctly matched in 100% of cases for the WESAD data set and in over 93% of cases for the two large-scale synthetic data sets. These results highlight that user privacy is already threatened by the data itself, even when personal information is removed. To address this privacy threat, the use of several different privacy models is discussed, and a case study is conducted in which random noise values of varying levels are added to the health data in addition to de-identification. The subject of the study is to compare the curve of the re-identification risk of the four attacks with the usability of the data for a stress detection application, under the influence of different noise levels. The results of this case study clearly demonstrate that noisy data results in a significantly lower re-identification risk for the users contained in the data, while still achieving solid stress detection classification results.


Python 3.9 was used to perform the experiments. To install the required dependencies, run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Attack Framework

The following figure shows an overview of the eight-stage attack framework. The functionality and the parameters to be specified for the individual stages are briefly described in the following sections. All further information is explained in detail in the attached master's thesis. attack_framework

Data Sets

This project is based on a total of three data sets. The multimodal WESAD data set contains smartwatch health time series data from a total of 15 subjects. The sensors blood volume pulse (BVP), elecrodermal activity (EDA), skin temperature (TEMP) and acceleration (ACC) are covered. At the same time, two synthetic data sets generated by Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), each with 1000 subjects, are integrated into the project to test the scalability of DTW attacks.

  • WESAD data set: Please download the WESAD data set and save it unzipped under experiments/dataset/WESAD to carry out the attacks. Further pre-processing of the data record is performed automatically during the first execution. This can take a few minutes.
  • Conditional GAN (cGAN): The cGAN data set was created with the implementation of the linked project. Using the WESAD data set as a basis, 1000 synthetic subjects were created. The created cGAN data set can be found under /experiments/dataset/WESAD_cGAN.
  • DoppelGANger (DGAN): The DGAN data set was created with the implementation of the linked project. Using the WESAD data set as a basis, 1000 synthetic subjects were created. The created DGAN data set can be found under /experiments/dataset/WESAD_dGAN.
dataset = Wesad(dataset_size=15)
dataset = WesadCGan(dataset_size=1000)
dataset = WesadDGan(dataset_size=1000)
dataset = WesadPrivate(dataset_size=15, noise_multiplier=1.0)


  • dataset_size: Specify the number of subjects in the data set. The Wesad and WesadPrivate data set can contain a maximum of 15 subjects. The WesadCGan and WeasdDGan dataset can contain a maximum of 1000 subjects.
  • noise_multiplier: A noise_multiplier must also be specified for the WesadPrivate data set. This corresponds to the scale parameter of the Laplace distribution and specifies the level of random noise to be added to the data points of the signals.

Signal Preprocessing

The three-stage signal preprocessing pipeline processes the selected data set during the first execution and saves it as a pickle file. No parameters need to be specified for the execution. Note that for further data sets to be included, the pipeline in the corresponding data set class must be adapted to the conditions of the new data set.

Complexity Reduction

To reduce the runtime of DTW attacks, three complexity-reducing methods are integrated into the framework:


With the downsampling method, the number of data points in the signal is reduced using a resampling method based on a fast fourier transform. A downsampling factor (DSF) is specified for this purpose, which reflects the degree of reduction.

resample_factor = 1  # no downsampling
resample_factor = 10  # 10 data points in the original signal are represented by one data point in the downsampled signal
resample_factor = 100  # 100 data points in the original signal are represented by one data point in the downsampled signal

Dynamic Time Warping Barycenter Averaging (DBA)

With the DBA method, the number of sensor signals is reduced by forming an average of all the signals contained.

data_processing = DbaProcessing()  # application of DBA
data_processing = StandardProcessing()  # standard sensor ranking without application of DBA or PCA

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

With the PCA method, the first principal component for a subject's sensor signals is calculated. Only the first principal component is used as a reduced signal.

data_processing = PcaProcessing()  # application of PCA
data_processing = StandardProcessing()  # standard sensor ranking without application of DBA or PCA

Data Model

The data model specifies the purpose for which the DTW attack is to be executed.


  • additional_windows: The attack set is cut out of the corresponding data set for the experiments. Specify how many additional windows (data points) are to be cut from the data set at the edges of the attack set in order to avoid an alignment at the edges in the experiments.

Attack Mode:

The attack mode is used in this project to carry out the runtime experiments. This uses an attack set (sample of signal data of the person to be attacked) and the data set to calculate DTW distances between the attack set and the persons in the data set. After ranking, it is determined which person in the data set most likely corresponds to the attacked target.

dataset = Wesad(dataset_size=15)
resample_factor = 1000
data_processing = StandardProcessing()
additional_windows = 1

simulate_isolated_dtw_attack(dataset=dataset, resample_factor=resample_factor, data_processing=data_processing, additional_windows=additional_windows)  # is performed for all four attacks.

Simulation Mode:

The simulation mode is used for all further experiments. Here, each subject in the data set is selected once as a target and a re-identification attack is carried out. The results are then averaged across all subjects.

dtw_attack = SlicingDTWAttack()
dataset = Wesad(dataset_size=15)
data_processing = StandardProcessing()
test_window_sizes = [i for i in range(1, 37)]  # specify for which attack window sizes the DTW attack should be performed
resample_factor = 1000
additional_windows = 1
multi = 3  # only needed for MultiDTWAttack() and MultiSlicingDTWAttack()

run_dtw_attack(dtw_attack=dtw_attack, dataset=dataset, data_processing=data_processing,
               test_window_sizes=test_window_sizes, resample_factor=resample_factor, multi=3)

DTW Attacks

The project comprises four similarity-based re-identification attacks that use dynamic time warping as the basis for calculating distances between the signals of two people.


The Single-DTW-Attack is the simplest DTW attack. This calculates distance values for all signals of the target person and all corresponding signals of the persons in the data set. In general, the person in the data set with the smallest distance to the target corresponds to the target.

dtw_attack = SingleDTWAttack()


The Multi-DTW-Attack builds on this. The only difference here is that the signals of the attack set are first divided into multi attack sets of the same length. The attacks are then carried out for each multi attack set.

multi = 3  # Specify number of multi attack sets
dtw_attack = MultiDTWAttack()


With the Slicing-DTW-Attack, the signals of the data set are divided into overlapping slices instead of the attack set. The attacks are then carried out by calculating the distances between the attack set and each slice.

dtw_attack = SlicingDTWAttack()


The Multi-Slicing-DTW-Attack corresponds to a combination of the Multi-DTW-Attack and the Slicing-DTW-Attack.

multi = 3  # Specify number of multi attack sets
dtw_attack = MultiSlicingDTWAttack()

Multiple Distances

For the Multi-DTW-Attack, the Slicing-DTW-Attack and the Multi-Slicing-DTW-Attack, a method must be selected which reduces the multiple distances resulting from the multi- or slicing effect to one distance per person and sensor. This step is necessary for a uniform evaluation.

Multi-DTW-Attack and Slicing-DTW-Attack

  • Minimum Method Selection of the smallest distance for each person and sensor over all multiple distances. (Standard for Slicing-DTW-Attack)
  • Average Methode Calculation of the average distance for each person and sensor over all multiple distances. (Standard for Multi-DTW-Attack)
result_selection_method = "min"
result_selection_method = "mean"


Two methods are required for the Multi-Slicing-DTW-Attack. One is to reduce the multi-effect and the other is to reduce the slicing effect.

result_selection_method = "min-min"  # Standard for Multi-Slicing-DTW-Attack
result_selection_method = "min-mean"
result_selection_method = "mean-min"
result_selection_method = "mean-mean"

Evaluation Pipeline

The DTW attacks are evaluated using a four-stage rank-based evaluation pipeline. For this purpose, the distances are converted into ranks in ascending order, with the smallest distance receiving rank 1. If several subjects receive the same rank, a realistic rank selection method is used to determine the rank. The quality criterion precision@k is calculated to determine the performance of a DTW attack.

dtw_attack = SlicingDTWAttack()
dataset = Wesad(dataset_size=15)
data_processing = StandardProcessing()
resample_factor = 1000
result_selection_method = "min"

run_optimization_evaluation(dtw_attack=dtw_attack, dataset=dataset, data_processing=data_processing, 
                            resample_factor=resample_factor, result_selection_method=result_selection_method)

The following aspects are evaluated in the four stages, building on each other:

Ranking Methods

The ranking method rank or score can be used to calculate an average of a person's distances across several sensors / sensor combinations.

  • Ranking method rank: Averages the ranks of the individual sensors and then re-ranks them.
  • Ranking method score: Averages the distances of the individual sensors and then performs ranking. (default setting for simplified evaluation)


Evaluation of the classes (stress and non-stress data) separately and as a weighted average.


The sensors are evaluated by sensor combinations (standard sensor ranking) and by individual weights per sensor (weighted sensor ranking).

Attack Window Sizes

The attack window sizes are used to calculate for which of the specified attack window sizes the best re-identification performance can be achieved, i.e. the amount of data an attacker should ideally have available.

Result Overview

All results are saved in experiments/out. A memory structure is created for this in order to be able to evaluate all possible parameter combinations provided by the attack framework separately.

A complete attack according to simulation mode can be executed as follows:

dtw_attack = MultiDTWAttack()
dataset = Wesad(dataset_size=15)
data_processing = StandardProcessing()
resample_factor = 1000
result_selection_method = "mean"
test_window_sizes = [i for i in range(1, 13)]
additional_windows = 1
multi = 3

run_dtw_attack(dtw_attack=dtw_attack, dataset=dataset, data_processing=data_processing,
               test_window_sizes=test_window_sizes, resample_factor=resample_factor, multi=3)
run_optimization_evaluation(dataset=dataset, resample_factor=resample_factor, data_processing=data_processing,
                            dtw_attack=dtw_attack, result_selection_method=result_selection_method)
run_calculate_max_precision(dataset=dataset, resample_factor=resample_factor, data_processing=data_processing,
                            dtw_attack=dtw_attack, result_selection_method=result_selection_method,
run_overall_evaluation(dataset=dataset, resample_factor=resample_factor, data_processing=data_processing,
                       dtw_attack=dtw_attack, result_selection_method=result_selection_method, save_weightings=True)

Conducting an exploratory data analysis that plots the signal data of the individuals in the data set:

dataset = Wesad(dataset_size=15)
data_processing = StandardProcessing()
resample_factor = 1000

plot_subject_data(dataset=dataset, data_processing=data_processing, resample_factor=resample_factor)

Creating DTW distance heatmaps:

dataset = Wesad(dataset_size=15)
data_processing = StandardProcessing()
resample_factor = 1000

run_dtw_alignments(dataset=dataset, data_processing=data_processing, resample_factor=resample_factor)
plot_distance_heatmap(dataset=dataset, data_processing=data_processing, resample_factor=resample_factor)

Perform re-identification attacks on noisy WESAD data set. The data set becomes noisy by adding random noise according to a Laplace distribution. Compare precision@1 scores of the attacks with noisy stress detection f1 scores.

data_processing = StandardProcessing()
resample_factor = 1000
result_selection_method = "min"
noise_multipliers = [i for i in range(0, 16)]  # specify noise multipliers to be tested
runs = 10  # specify the number of runs for which the attacks are to be repeated on new noisy data sets

run_noisy_attacks(dtw_attack=SingleDTWAttack(), data_processing=data_processing, resample_factor=resample_factor,
                  result_selection_method=result_selection_method, noise_multipliers=noise_multipliers, runs=runs)
run_noisy_attacks(dtw_attack=MultiDTWAttack(), data_processing=data_processing, resample_factor=resample_factor,
                  result_selection_method=result_selection_method, noise_multipliers=noise_multipliers, runs=runs)
run_noisy_attacks(dtw_attack=SlicingDTWAttack(), data_processing=data_processing, resample_factor=resample_factor,
                  result_selection_method=result_selection_method, noise_multipliers=noise_multipliers, runs=runs)
run_noisy_attacks(dtw_attack=MultiSlicingDTWAttack(), data_processing=data_processing, resample_factor=resample_factor,
                  result_selection_method=result_selection_method, noise_multipliers=noise_multipliers, runs=runs)
def run_evaluation_privacy_usability(dtw_attacks=[SingleDTWAttack, MultiDTWAttack, SlicingDTWAttack, MultiSlicingDTWAttack])

Ethical Principles

  • All health data originated from public sources provided for research purposes and was solely used within the limited scope of this work.
  • This repository only contains the functionalities required to perform the described experiments. There are no methods included to perform the DTW attacks directly for an actual attack set of a target and a data set.




Git-Repository for Master's Thesis "Re-Identification Attacks on Smartwatch Health Data" (dtw-attacks-v2)








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