image_gps.rb -- Find JPEG images and extract their GPS coordinates
image_gps.rb is a command line utility that finds all JPEGs inside of a folder recursively and extracts their EXIF GPS data if present. It will default to scanning the pwd unless a directory is provided as an argument.
Results are written to a file in the pwd as the scan runs. CSV files will be produced by default, use -html for HTML files instead. If the app is not installed as a gem, the HTML output requires configuration when being called from outside the app folder.
Usage: image_gps.rb [options] [/target/folder/path]
image_gps.rb -v
image_gps.rb /home
image_gps.rb -html /home
--help - provide brief help notice
-html - outputs an HTML document rather than a CSV
-v, --verbose - outputs additional information as the script runs
In order to use the -html option, the application needs to be able to locate the html templates folder. This is automatic when the gem installed, but running the script without installing it requires a config file in your home directory with the full path to the app's root folder. A sample file is in the config folder.
The output file is created in the pwd, which requires write permission.
0 - success
1 - unsupported options
2 - unable to set directory for scan
3 - unable to create output file
4 - unable to scan directory
5 - exception while writing to output file
First package the gem with: rake package
To install: gem install pkg/image_gps-0.0.1.gem
Testing is done with Aruba for acceptance and Rspec for unit. The tmp folder is used for writing to and also contains some folders and files to test against.
- Run acceptance tests with:
rake features
- Run unit tests:
rake spec
Note: No test for exit 5 - ex: insufficient disk space
- Circular symbolic links are not handled
Tom Kulmacz
Using Ruby, create a command line application that recursively reads all of the images from the supplied directory of images, extracts their EXIF GPS data (longitude and latitude), and then writes the name of that image and any GPS co-ordinates it finds to a CSV file.
This utility should be executable from the command line (i.e.: ‘ruby ./app.rb’ or as an executable).
With no parameters, the utility should default to scanning from the current directory. It should take an optional parameter that allows any other directory to be passed in.
As a bonus, output either CSV or HTML, based on a parameter passed in via the command line.
Feel free to use any gem(s) you like in your submission.