A program that creates beautiful graphical fractals.
This program uses the screen drawing library MiniLibX to draw fractals.
Valid fractals are the following three types of sets.
- Mandelbrot set
- Julia set
- Burning Ship set
Clone the submodule at the same time with the following command.
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/tksx1227/fract-ol.git
You can use the make command to generate object files and a binary file.
$ make
$ ls
Makefile README.md bin/ include/ minilibx/ obj/ src/
You can draw by passing the number corresponding to the fractal you want to draw in the command line argument.
$ ./bin/fractol
Usage: fractol <TYPE NUMBER>
The available type numbers are:
- 0: Julia
- 1: Mandelbrot
- 2: Burning ship
The actions that can be executed while drawing are:
- Close the window by pressing the esc key
- Screen movement using the cross key
- Zoom in and out using the mouse wheel
- Update the set according to the coordinates of the cursor by switching the space key (Julia set only)
MiniLibX's repository: MiniLibX
MiniLibX's document: MiniLibX - 42 Docs