Compiles HTML to Elixir. Who says HTML is not a programming language?
This module is just another templating engine.
With elixir, we can leverage its ability to call individual functions in iex
Elixir can quickly build templates on the fly, with our html stored in binary strings.
Notice: This Project Is Still In Beta.
go get
import (
func main(){
htmlc.Compile("./src", "./output.exs")
You can opptionally just use the binary instead of importing the module.
./htmlc --src="./src" --out="./output.exs"
You can also specify a port number, to automatically start a static-like http server.
./htmlc --port="3000"
Note: by default, "--src" is set to the current working directory, and "--out" is set to the same directory, with the file name set to the base folder name.
You can also call this method without the "--src" or "--port"
./htmlc --src="/var/www/html"
# is equivalent to
./htmlc --src="/var/www/html"
./htmlc --port="3000"
# is equivalent to
./htmlc 3000
# so you can use the method like this
./htmlc /var/www/html 3000
# and the order doesnt matter, as long as the port number is a valid uint16
./htmlc 3000 /var/www/html
# note: the output file must still be specified with "--out"
./htmlc --out="html.exs" /var/www/html 3000
# start template engine
iex "./html.exs"
# render page
iex> App.render "mypage/home", "mylayout/layout", %{args: "myarg"}
# render widget (optional)
iex> App.widget "mywidget/app", %{args: "myarg"}
# render layout (optional)
iex> App.layout "mylayout/layout", %{args: "myarg"}, %{body: "page embed"}
# stop template engine
iex> System.halt