This repo is worked as a computing artifact for Tianjie Zhang's comprehensive exam. The related works have been published in IEEE-T-ITS.
Please cite the paper if you like it.
The images folder contains all the data utilized in this part. In the images floder, it contains four sub-floders:
Subfolders | Info | Training |
cracks | DeepCrack(contains 587 images and their annotation) | 300 from DeepCrack |
cracks-tradition | traditional augmentation | 300 from DeepCrack + 300 from traditional augmentation |
cracks-DCGAN | DCGAN | 300 from DeepCrack + 300 from DCGAN |
cracks-APCGAN | APC-GAN | 300 from DeepCrack + 300 from APCGAN |
The testing data are all from the DeepCrack which contains 287 crack images.
Models list (used in the paper):
Create the environment in your terminal:
conda env create -f environment.yml
You can also update an environment to make sure it meets the current requirements in a file:
conda env update -f environment.yml
There are three ways to augment your training dataset in the augmentation folder:
- Random crop (traditional augmentation method)
run : images produced will be stored in augmentation/results/random_crop
run : generated real-like images will be stored in augmentation/results/DCGAN
run : generated real-like images will be stored in augmentation/results/APCGAN
After get the generated images, annotate these images manually and then put them into the training_images floders to be used for deep-learning training.
- run the
1.1 choose and replace a model which you want to run.
Choose a deep learning method:
1. net = AttU_Net(img_ch=1, output_ch=1)
2. net = AttU_Net_min(img_ch=1, output_ch=1)
3. net = UNet(n_channels=1, n_classes=1)
4. net = fcn_resnet50(num_classes=1)
5. net = deeplabv3_resnet50(num_classes= 1)
6. net = lraspp_mobilenet_v3_large(num_classes=1)
1.2 choose the training dataset
data_path = "./images/cracks" # todo: your training datasets
four choices:
1.3 you will get a best_model.pth after you run the
- Run the
do some modifications when you run the
net = AttU_Net(img_ch=1, output_ch=1) # todo: change the model refering to your trained model
net.load_state_dict(torch.load('best_model.pth', map_location=device)) # todo
# todo: make you load your best_model.pth
2.1 you will get the evaluation results of your model in the results folder.
PS: when taining model fcn_resnet50 ,deeplabv3_resnet50 , lraspp_mobilenet_v3_large, remember to modify the last layer, making it consistent with the classes in this work.