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Repository files navigation


Install my new Notebook or sync my setup between all of my computers. ":computer:"

Ansible GitHub Super-Linter last-commit

  git clone \
  && cd dotfiles \
  && ./setup

  gpg password.txt.gpg
  source ~/.zshrc
  nvm install 16 # install nodejs 16
  ~./secrets # stored in bitwarden
  # This Setup is idempotent, you can run it as often you want.
  ./setup run


Warning: Cannot find word list "de.utf-8.spl" or "de.ascii.spl"

  :set spell spelllang=de_DE

Coc auto-completion

  cd .vim/bundle/coc.nvim
  yarn install
  open vim and type
  :CocInstall coc-git coc-html coc-tsserver coc-json coc-css


Plugin folder



:X                           # encrypt files with a password
gg=G                         # formating code
:set nu!                     # hide line Number
:50                          # go to line Number 50
/search                      # search type n for next
:%s/this/that/               # replace thist with that
:66,70s/^/#                  # comment line 66 - 70
:66,70s/^#/                  # and reverse
[ctrl] +n or [ctrl] + p key  # auto completion
:File | :File!               # fuzzy search files
:Ag   | :Ag!                 # fuzzy search code
"+y                          # Copy to Your System Clipboard
:tabe                        # open  a new tab
gt                           # switch between tabs
1gt                          # switch to first tab (rotate)
4gt                          # seitch to fourth tab
d$                           # delete to end of line
di{                          # delete inside braces
cw                           # change word under the cursor
gx                           # Open file (for file under the cursor)
gf                           # Go to file (for file under the cursor)
gd                           # Go to definition (of the word under the cursor)
[Control][b]                 # Move back one full screen
[Control][f]                 # Move forward one full screen
[Control][d]                 # Move forward 1/2 screen
[Control][u]                 # Move back (up) 1/2 screen
[Control][w] + h || l        # switch between split screen

# NerdTree
o                            # open in prev window
t                            # open in new tab
T                            # open in new tab silently
I                            # toggle hidden files

Search syntax

Unless otherwise specified, fzf starts in "extended-search mode" where you can type in multiple search terms delimited by spaces. e.g. ^music .mp3$ sbtrkt !fire

Token Match type Description
sbtrkt fuzzy-match Items that match sbtrkt
'wild exact-match (quoted) Items that include wild
^music prefix-exact-match Items that start with music
.mp3$ suffix-exact-match Items that end with .mp3
!fire inverse-exact-match Items that do not include fire
!^music inverse-prefix-exact-match Items that do not start with music
!.mp3$ inverse-suffix-exact-match Items that do not end with .mp3

If you don't prefer fuzzy matching and do not wish to "quote" every word, start fzf with -e or --exact option. Note that when --exact is set, '-prefix "unquotes" the term.

A single bar character term acts as an OR operator. For example, the following query matches entries that start with core and end with either go, rb, or py.

^core go$ | rb$ | py$


z                            # maintains a jump-list of the directories you actually use
f | fzf                      # General-purpose command-line fuzzy finder.
bcat                         # A cat clone with syntax highlighting

helper scripts

help() {

spell() {

reload() {
    source ~/.zshrc

sync_history() {
    /usr/local/bin/sync-zsh-history.js ~/Dropbox/zsh_history

help command

Ansible Tree

├── ansible.cfg
├── inventory
├── roles
│   ├── dotfiles
│   │   └── tasks
│   │       └── main.yaml
│   ├── folder
│   │   └── tasks
│   │       └── main.yaml
│   ├── npm
│   │   └── tasks
│   │       └── main.yaml
│   ├── pip
│   │   └── tasks
│   │       └── main.yaml
│   ├── software
│   │   └── tasks
│   │       └── main.yaml
│   ├── system
│   │   └── tasks
│   │       └── main.yaml
│   ├── vim
│   │   └── tasks
│   │       └── main.yaml
│   ├── vm
│   │   └── tasks
│   │       └── main.yaml
│   └── zsh
│       └── tasks
│           └── main.yaml
└── site.yaml


  • Setup roles/software/tasks/main.yaml
    • install docker
    • Install utility packages
    • Install aws cli
    • Install skaffold
    • Install kubens
    • Install Minikube
    • Install kubectl
    • Install terraform
    • Install helm3
    • Install velero
    • Install argocd
    • Install argo
    • Install nvm (Node.js Version Manager)
    • Install Slack
    • Instal help script