Mobile Tiddlywiki app is A Note App that is local-first, uses tid/md pure text file, all-in-one with calendar/todo/diary widget, lazy-loading, backlink & outline & Zettelkasten, and syncs with the open-source TidGi-Desktop.
Adding Wiki by Scanning QR Code on TidGi-Desktop.
Adding Wiki by Scanning QR | Wiki UI in TidGi Mobile |
Switch Language on Preference, and edit server or wiki config in the list.
Preference | Edit Wiki list item by long press |
More Screenshots on metadata/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/
Install tw-mobile-sync plugin.
tw-mobile-sync >= 0.6.0 works with TidGi-Mobile >= v0.3
We do not send any information from your phone to the internet.
You can optionally syncing data from your phone to a local TidGi-Desktop app on your local WiFi.
This is a local-first app, it stores data in following format, and never leaving your local WiFi network:
- HTML, contains some of core tw things like
and raw HTML created by $:/tags/RawMarkup- To update the TiddlyWiki version or the raw markup, you need to perform a full-resync (delete and recreate)
- SQLite, When adding wiki, we fetch all skinny-tiddlers of your tid/md file, then store them in SQLite DB to speed up booting and save memory.
- JSON, When adding wiki, we fetch all plugins's full content as JSON, this will not be updated
- Files, binary files like images are stored as files on your phone.
Later, we use a Sync-Adaptor to only load the file you need lazily, to increase performance on a huge wiki. Also, reduce the memory and CPU consumption of your phone.
Currently, only normal tiddlers in SQLite are certainly synced back to TidGi-Desktop. HTML Javascript tiddler, and JSON plugins are never tested (Feel free to have a try and report to me!). So if you want to add new plugins, you may need to backup data to Desktop, add plugins on Desktop, and perform a full resync (delete and recreate) from TidGi-Desktop (If this is not necessary, report to me!).
- Only requires for camera permission to scan QR code for sync URL from your local server.