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Collaborative Photo Management

Group Members: Nicholas Xu, Danfeng Yang, Sailesh Sivakumar, Martin Zhang

Project Description

We are proposing to build a Collaborative Photo Management website for businesses/teams. Today millions of organizations and teams are working collaboratively online. Images assets are mission critical for many different business functions, like marketing, product development, disease diagnosis, photo editing, etc. However, there is no software that enables teams to collaboratively import, manage, consume photo media effectively. So we believe any team that needs image-focused collaboration will be our target audience.

For example, a startup could be our client. Say they have some photographer vendors to shoot a product launch event. They want to collectively select photos for editing. After editing they want to select the best ones to send to the media and to post on their social media for marketing purposes. Currently they might use Google Drive/Dropbox to share photos, but google Drive doesn’t allow you to tag or group photos, or browse them easily with gallery view, or view them by month/years, or to publish them publicly so that anyone can view the gallery.

As developers, our team has someone who’s a photographer working for UW student organizations. He often frets about archiving and finding event photos that are stored in Google Drive. It’s very difficult to find a specific photo of a certain event because of the lack of tagging/grouping or image search features. It is also immensely ineffective to browse many photos together because Google Drive is essentially built for documents collaboration. So as a team, we find motivation to make an Image Collaboration Tool for teams so that in case of events with photo media, any teams would find this useful to organize and manage their image assets.

Technical Descriptioin

Architecture Diagram

(See updated aarchitecture diagram at the bottom) graph.png

User Stories

Priority User Description Technical Implementation Strategy
P0 As an user I want to be able to create new account, log in, log out, change name of my account Store log in credentials in database, authenticate user and store sessions inside Redis database.
P0 As a user I want to be able to upload photo from a local device. Use an endpoint to insert new photos and photos will be stored on AWS S3 buckets.
P0 As a contributor I want to tag photos and filter them by tag name Will have to store parameters of the pictures and use a framework to show a processed picture in the client.
P0 As a contributor I want to be able to glance photo gallery by tag, by day, month, year to quickly find useful photos Store the tags, etc. to the database. Use and endpoint to get the gallery then implement a filter to filter out tags, etc.
P1 As a contributor Stretch goal: I want to add captions to photos Will have the image struct be defined with fields to hold title and description information. And associate the images with users.
P1 As a contributor Stretch goal: I want to discuss with other contributors live as browsing through the photos Will implement a chat feature through websockets to enable client side messaging. Authenticated users can find other users by email to chat and collaborate
P2 As a contributor Stretch goal: I want to share the photos with other contributors The user can use an endpoint to get to the resources (maybe by album id/photo id)



  • /v1/session: begin a new session for the user
    • POST
      • 201 application/json: created a new user sessions
      • 403: invalid username
      • 415: unsupported media
      • 500: internal server error
  • /v1/sessions/mine: getting the current session
    • GET
      • 400: bad request
      • 403: forbidden request if not authenticated
    • DELETE
      • 400: bad request
      • 403: forbidden request if not user's session


  • /v1/user : registering new users
    • POST; application/json: Create new user account with email, username, password, first name, last name.
      • 201; application/json: Successfully gets the information. Return the user profile in json.
      • 404: Cannot find the user
      • 500: Internal server error.
  • /v1/user/{UserID | me} : getting existing user profiles
    • GET; application/json: get the user profiles, name, avatar, number of albums, number of pictures, etc.
      • 201; application/json: Successfully gets the information. Return the user profile in json.
      • 404: Cannot find the user
      • 500: Internal server error.

Photo Management

  • /v1/photos: import photos
    • POST; application/json: Import a new photo under the user’s account.
      • Required payload: {"url" : ""} or {"url" : "", "description": "image caption."}
      • 201; application/json: Successfully adds the photo to the gallery; returns a json object of the imported photo information.
      • 400: Some parameters (unsupported format etc.) are wrong.
      • 401: x-user is missing from header or user is not authenticated
      • 500: Internal server error.
  • /v1/photos?{year|month|datetime}=
    • GET; application/json: get all the photos, then filter by year inside the sql query
      • Sample payload:
        • /v1/photos?year=2020
        • /v1/photos?month=12
        • /v1/photos?datetime=2020/12/21
      • 200; application/json: Successfully gets the information of all photos, returns an array of json objects of the photo information.
      • 401: x-user is missing from header or user is not authenticated
      • 500: Internal server error.
  • /v1/photos/:photoID/tag/:tagID
    • POST; application/json: Add a tag to a photo
      • 200: success
      • 400: user's email is not found / error occurred when retrieving the tag
      • 401: x-user is missing from header or user is not authenticated
      • 403: user is not the creator of the photo
      • 404: the target photo is not found
      • 500: internal errors
  • /v1/photos/:photoID
    • DELETE; application/json: delete a photo by photoID
      • 200: success
      • 401: x-user is missing from header
      • 403: user is not authenticated
      • 500: internal errors


  • /v1/tags: get all the tags this user has access to
    • GET; application/json: get all the photos, then filter by tags
      • 200; application/json: Successfully gets the information of all tags, returns an array of json objects of the tag information.
      • 401: x-user is missing from header or user is not authenticated
      • 500: Internal server error.
  • /v1/tags: create a new tag
    • POST: create a new tag with a name
      • Required payload: {"name": "Selected"}, name refers to the tag name you want to have.
      • 201 tag created
      • 401: x-user is missing from header or user is not authenticated
      • 500: internal server error
  • /v1/tags/:tagID
    • DELETE: delete a tag by ID
      • 200: successfully deleted
      • 401: x-user is missing from header
      • 403 user is not authenticated
      • 500: internal errors
  • /v1/tags/:tagID/members
    • POST; application/json: add a new member to the tag group, returns a updated tag object
      • Required payload: {"id": 20}, id refers to the user's id
      • 201: successfully added the member
      • 400: user id is not supplied
      • 401: x-user is missing from header or user is not authenticated
      • 500: internal errors
  • /v1/tags/:tagID/members
    • DELETE; application/json: delete a user from members of a tag
      • 200: successfully deleted.
      • 401: x-user is missing from header
      • 403: user is not authenticated
      • 500: internal errors


Database Schema

# Photos
photoSchema = {
    id: {type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, required:true, unique:true, auto:true},
    url: {type:String, required:true, unique:true},
    description: String,
    tags: {type:[{_id: false,id:Schema.Types.ObjectId}]},
    createdAt: {type:Date, required:true},
    creator: {type:{id:Number, email:String}},
    editedAt: Date,

tagSchema = {
    id: {type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, required:true, unique:true, auto:true},
    name: {type:String, required:true},
    members: {type:[{_id: false,id:Number, email:String}]},
    createdAt: {type:Date, required:true},
    creator: {id:Number, email:String},
    editedAt: Date,

# Users
User: {
    UserID int
    Username string
    PassHash string
    FirstName string
    LastName string
    Album AlbumID[]
    Tag TagID[]
    Email string


Updated Archietecture Diagram updated.png


INFO 441 Server Side Programming Final Project






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