Towards the Gardening of the futures worth wanting...
Imagine a mob of people coalescing around an evolving vision by means of these few self-organising questions:
- How can I help?
- Kudos for helping to expand degrees of freedom for others.
- Boundless responsibility (curiosity/anxiety) about the impact of one's contributions.
- How can my contribution be known?
- Providing for analysis and feedback multiplies the contribution's value.
- Insights into the wider impact of a contribution are contributions in themselves.
- How can I be known?
- By centralised or decentralised (self-sovereign) identity.
- Contributions are indelible, evidential and the contributor reserves the right to share them freely.
- Mobs are "people over process".
- Mobs do not ask for permission.
- Mobs must assume full responsibility over their actions (there's no-one else to).
- "Nobility" of the mob's vision cannot be inherited, assumed or otherwise be taken for granted.
- Because we're not there yet and the brief glimpses of how it could be is often as much as we can do right now.
- Because bootstrapping is the only way.
- Because of self-evangelising.
- Because bright flashes can leave long-lasting afterglow...