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Badrinath Janakiraman edited this page Apr 15, 2016 · 3 revisions


#####Near term

  • The website needs to be publicized once the install script that can put the talisman binary into a .git/hooks folder is ready
  • The list of detectors is hardcoded, needs to be specified in a talisman.yml file
  • The input parameters for the detectors are hardcoded, needs to be specified in a talisman.yml file
  • The only detector available is a file"NAME" detector, we need file content detectors for simple file contents

#####Medium term

  • Add POT (point-in-time) scan
  • Add historical audit. Talisman needs to be configured to do a historical scan of all past commits and not just commits from this point on (when it gets installed). This will bring it on par with gitrob.
  • Potentially look into supporting pre-commit hooks in addition to pre-push hooks
  • Make it run as a server side hook?

####Community & contribution help

  • Contribution instructions
  • Extract contrib folder for community contributions
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