|Master | Development | |:------:|:------:|:-------:|:-------:| |
The microsoft module has a mandatory parameter for the machine name. In my particular scenario I am already setting the machine name via vClouds sysprep and DSC doesn't neccessarialy need to know or does know the machine name when it's deploying config to the node so I basically just need to be able to switch the machine from a workgroup in to the domain.
This is basically a stripped down version of xComputer from xComputerManagement (https://github.com/PowerShell/xComputerManagement) that doesn't contain the majority of the logic surrounding the machine name.
- Specify the domain you want to join
Note: This is a required parameter
- Specify the credentials that have permissions to join the domain
Note: This is a required parameter
- Optional paremeter to specify a specific OU to join the node to
xDSCDomainjoin JoinDomain
Domain = $Domain
Credential = $Credential # Credential to join to domain
JoinOU = "CN=Computers,DC=someplace,DC=qld,DC=gov,DC=au"