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Releases: thedevs-network/the-guard-bot


18 Sep 15:46
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  • Minimum required NodeJS version is now oldest supported LTS (18.x)
  • Bump all dependencies where possible, most notably Telegraf to 4.13.x
  • Fix various depreciations stemming from the dependency bump
  • Handle all variations of /!@ report|admins
  • Show IDs of reported user in report messages
  • Show IDs of users in logPresence group
  • Automatically prepend group name to warns/bans so it is known which group they were given in
  • Ignore people monospacing /report and similar which is usually a joke message
  • Whitelist /addtheme and /setlanguage URLs
  • Tag UTC timestamps as UTC
  • Fix crash when someone tried to join with a username that was previously already in the database under a different account (username reuse)
  • Automatically create data folder, easing setup


29 Jun 13:24
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  • Allow to use custom commands in warn and ban messages
  • Allow to temporarily /permit a user to advertise
  • Don't warn for sending group links not exported by the bot
  • Other improvements


19 May 21:33
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  • 765a8dd Add adminLog chat, fixes #96
  • b553079 Add -amend flag to /ban
  • 67f7120 Avoid triggering unhandled rejections
  • Bugfixes
  • Visual and internal improvements


04 May 14:01
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  • Allow to schedule deletion of long custom commands
  • When replying to bot's message with 2 inline mentions, apply the command to the second mentioned user
  • Allow to ban multiple users with single /ban command
  • Support multiple masters
  • Support report chat
  • Support warn expiry
  • Schedule deletion of warn and ban messages
  • Other improvements


30 Oct 06:07
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  • Alias !report and !admins? to /report
  • Don't warn for links to sticker packs
  • Ignore queryString when checking if link is whitelisted (#73)
  • Don't allow admins to replace master commands
  • Make blacklisting domains configurable


22 Feb 14:44
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  • Fixed getting error due to username being undefined.
  • Added Dockerfile
  • Don't manage the group which was kicked from
  • Improved custom commands, added /replaceCommand
  • /unadmin attempts to revoke admin permissions in all groups
  • Warning spam links improved
  • Improved warn and ban commands functionality
  • Refactor and code improvements


01 Dec 08:53
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  • Changed config.json to config.js.
  • Deleting joining messages is now configurable.
  • Ban and unban users before they join. (with id)
  • Merged excludedChannels and excludedGroups into excludeLinks.
  • Added warning channels/groups' usernames.
  • Check captions and edited messages for links and usernames.

Minor Changes:

  • Overall stability improved.
  • Username mentions are now case insensitive.
  • Notifying unbanned user in all cases.
  • Made custom command case insensitive.
  • Removed an extra step from addcommand.
  • Sorting groups and staff lists alphabetically.


02 Nov 18:27
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Fixed a minor bug for warnInlineKeyboard name.


02 Nov 17:11
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  • Overall code improvements
  • Syncing group admins with bot admins.
  • Fixed /staff command where it didn't show up
  • Added support for plugins
  • /unwarn now unbans too
  • Added options for deleting commands
  • Auto-remove some bot messages
  • Improved warning for ads, supports usernames now too
  • Replaced /getwarns command with /user


15 Oct 17:05
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  • Custom command role is not case sensitive anymore
  • masterID config name changed to master and it works with usernames too now.
  • Ban/warn commands on admins don't delete the message now.
  • Fixed channel forward warn count.
  • Adding forwarded message's user to DB.
  • Overall stability improvements.