Simple project to automate Brew, MacOS, and NPM Packages.
- .bash_profile: Profile with handy command aliases and customization
- .gitconfig: Configures git to use osxkeychain credential helper and sets custom colors
- Brewfile: List of CLI tools (brew install {name}) and apps (brew cask install {name}) to install.
- Script to install Brew and all apps in the Brewfile file
- Script for better MacOS defaults
- Script to install common NPM utilities
- Clone the project locally (or fork)
> git clone
- Open Brewfile to add/edit/comment out CLI tools or apps. Use # to comment out or delete.
cask "postman" # REST-API tool
cask "skype" # Skype client
# cask "slack" # Slack client
cask "spectacle" # Windows like move / resize windows
You can run brew bundle list
to confirm your Brewfile is configured correctly
> brew bundle list
- Ensure any .sh files have execute permissions if needed
> chmod +x
- Open the terminal and run the scripts (ensure you put "./" as a prefix to the )
> ./
expects NPM to be installed and must run as sudo
if packages are installed globally (-g) flag.
> sudo ./
Brew can work to restore Apps you purchased in the app store. Unfortunately it will fail if the app has not been installed at least once. More information: Mac App Store GitHub project.
Add / edit configuration from .gitconfig and .bash_profile and add to your $HOME
Assuming you are using zsh, you can run to install and copy ".zshrc" to your user directory.
> chmod +x