Campus management Information system. It is an ALL-IN-ONE systems that manages students, faculties, administrators, exams, assignments, mobile payments, card payments, salary payments, student grade books and many more
It was developed by Finstock team (Sammy & Iddris). Its newer versions are still in production. It is build with Apache V.2 license- Has in build website
- Student course applcation
- Faculty jobs application
- Student grade book
- In-built online exam module
- In-built payment gateways, mpesa stk v1, pesapal, paypal, x-pay
- In-build SMS gateways, Afrika's talking, Bulksms, smscore
- manage academic years and intakes
- Assigments
- Payrol
- Third party API
- Student Health records
- Key stroke Analysis
- QR code login
- CMIS mobile: android, IOS, WPA
- CMIS: highschool version
- Support for Postgres SQL
- PHP 5.6*
- Mysql 5.5*
- clone the entire repo in your root directory on your Apache server
- Edit includes/config.php following the instructions in includes/config.template.php