Sonar is a Sensory Substitution Device built as a belt that helps the blind navigate in the world based on ultrasonic sensor object detection that trigger a vibration rythm.
- Arduino Board:
Arduino Nano
- Processor:
- Chip for USB Driver:
- Sensor:
Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
x3 - Sensor:
Touch Sensor TTP223B
x1 - Motor:
Vibration Motor
x3 - Battery: Any recharging smartphone power bank of 5V,1A
There are many options for these motors, but the ones used are the following.
The complete wiring of the system should look as below.
Open the Arduino IDE.
Connect the Arduino board via a USB port.
Make sure you choose the Boad "Arduino Nano", Processor "ATMega328P" and the Port "COM3" or "COM4", just like below.
Open the .ino code that implements the solution.
Click on the left-corner button that has a check on it. It will compile and verify the program.
Click on the Upload button, besides the Verify button.
Unplugg the board from your computer, and plug it to the battery bank.
Buckle the belt around your waist, over your clothes.
Press the touch sensor that is on the right of the belt, to turn on the processing.
Then, the ultrasonic sensor array (size 3) does its job in order to activate the vibration motors until you press again the touch sensor that acts as a On/Off button.
Touch the button to turn off the sensor processing.
Unplug the Arduino from the battery.
Take off the belt.