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vim config to make frontend web development easier with vim editor


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Vim config for frontend development

Inspired by this vim config but started from scratch again and evaluated each plugin again to see if alternatives exist.

Some parts of the README and the .vimrc file have been copied from there and might not be working here yet. Either intentional, so the README should be updated, or not, so the .vimrc file should be updated.

Syntax support

  • Javascript / Typescript
  • JSX / TSX
  • Markdown





Use Space key to toggle code folding.

Other native vim key maps for folding are:

  • za - toggle fold
  • zc - close the fold (where your cursor is positioned)
  • zM - close all folds on current buffer
  • zo - open the fold (where your cursor is positioned)
  • zR - open all folds on current buffer
  • zj - cursor is moved to next fold
  • zk - cursor is moved to previous fold

more fold commands: :help folding

Comments (commentary)

gcc toggles a line in normal mode

gc toggles selected lines in visual mode

Code completion, intellisense, code actions, formatting and more (coc)

Action Hotkey
▶ Coding features
Go to type definition/declaration leader cd
Find all references of variable under coursor leader cf
Show type of variable under cursor leader ct
Show docs for entity under cursor leader cd
Smart rename an entity under coursor and all refs to it leader cr
▶ Code completion
Next completion item tab
Previous completion item shift+tab
Undo autocompletion ctrl+e
▶ Code diagnostics
Previous error/warning leader [g
Next error/warning leader ]g
CoC configuration:

Open Coc configuration file in vim with :CocConfig

  "eslint.autoFixOnSave": true,
  "coc.preferences.formatOnSaveFiletypes": [
  "tsserver.formatOnType": true,
  "coc.preferences.formatOnType": true

Multi cursor (vim-visual-multi)

ctrl-up | ctrl-down to insert multiple cursors

Git integration (Fugitive)

Allows to simply use :G in vim instead of git for git CLI commands.

:G status

Action Hotkey
Git blame on the current line or all selected line leader b
Git status leader gst
Git add/checkout file leader gw
Git diff leader gd
Git commit leader gc
Git commit all leader gca
Git commit -a --amend leader gcf

Auto close brackets and quotes (DelimitMate)

Surround (Surround)

Provides keystrokes to easily delete, change and add such surroundings in pairs.

Normal mode

csAB change surroundingsfrom A to B for this line

dsA delete surrounding A for this entire line

yssb wrap line with parentheses ( line )

ysiwA wrap word(textblock) with surrounding A

Visual mode

Select lines using V now type S and write the desired surrounding start

S<div class='container'>


Improved status and tab bar (Airline)

File navigation tree (NERDTree)

Action Hotkey
Show current file in NERDtre leader f

Fuzzy search (FZF)

Opens a popup window to perform any search and narrow down search results using fuzzy search.

Action Hotkey
Files content (aka find in files) leader ff
Files in current working dir leader space
(Hint: press C on directory in NERDTree to set it as CWD)
Files in GIT working tree and index leader gf
Files listed in 'git status' leader gs
Commits leader gl
Commits with changes for current buffer / visual selection leader ga
Buffers leader a
Windows leader A
Lines in current buffer leader ;
Tags in current buffer leader o


Note: the leader key set with this .vimrc file is ',' (comma)

Action Hotkey
▶ File operations
Recent Files List leader m
▶ Splits
Move between splits leader w
Move to the top split shift + arrow up
Move to the bottom split shift + arrow down
Move to the the right split shift + arrow right
Move to the the left split shift + arrow left
Make split bigger vertically shift + ctrl + arrow up
Make split smaller vertically shift + ctrl + arrow down
Make split bigger horizontally shift + ctrl + arrow right
Make split smaller horizontally shift + ctrl + arrow left

Color scheme

vim code dark'

Easy installation

Install plugin manager PlugInstall

You just need to place .vimrc in your home directory and install plugins:


pro tip: keep your .vimrc file up to date with this repo

Clone the repo, and place symlink to .vimrc in your home directory. E.g.:

 git clone && ln -rsf ./vim-config-frontend/.vimrc ~/.vimrc


vim config to make frontend web development easier with vim editor








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