These are the exercise files used for Vue.js Essential Training course.
The course outline can be found in
Module 1 - Get Started on Vue JS
- What is Vue JS
- Install Vue JS Libraries
- Your First Vue JS Script
- Element, Data and Methods
- Computed Property
Module 2 - Directives
- What are Directives
- Data Binding with v-bind
- Two Way Data Binding with v-model
- Watch Property
- Control Logic with v-show
- Control Logic with v-if, v-else-if, v-else
- Loop with v-for
- Event Handling with v-on
- Event Modifiers
Module 3 - Components
- What is Component
- Create Component
- Props
- Child Components
- Component Life Cycle
- Mixin
Module 4 - Transition and Animation
- Transition
- Keyframe Rules
- Animation
Module 5 - Advanced Topics (Optional)
- Vue Router
- Vue Cli