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Clone the repository, install composer then run:

composer install

Copy .env to .env.local and change the settings, particulary:


If necessary, create the DB:

php bin/console doctrine:database:create

Create the tables:

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Create the file containing administrators informations

test ! -f config/platform/config.yaml && cp config/platform/default.config.yaml config/platform/config.yaml || true

cp config/platform/default.config.yaml config/platform/config.yaml

Inserting default data

The plateform uses data like taxonomies to be fully functionnal. Default data can be inserted via PHP commands.


Default skills are defined as slugs in the Command src/Command/ImportSkillsCommand.php

To import default Skills, run

php bin/console import:skills

Eventually, additionnal skills can be directly in the database.

Skills translations in the differents languages are managed via Symfony translations via the specific skills domain. ex: translations/

General group

If the env variable COMMUNITY_SLUG is defined, the corresponding group will be defacto the "general" group, and every user registred will be by default a member of this group.


Fill the plateform with Lorem Ipsum:

php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load


Activate a user:

php bin/console user:activate <user-email>

Deactivate a user:

php bin/console user:deactivate <user-email>

Give ROLE_ADMIN to a user:

php bin/console user:set-admin <user-email>


Generate all indexes:

php bin/console search:reindex:all

Generate one index (pages, discussions_messages, articles, documents, groups, members)

php bin/console search:reindex <index>

Map Informations

For each user, get Latitude and Longitude from city, zipcode and Country

php bin/console app:update-coordinates

For each user, convert Latitude and Longitude into NutsId

php bin/console app:update-nuts-id


How to force https ?

Edit your .env and a SECURE_SCHEME variable with https

How to handle proxies ?

You can add TRUSTED_PROXIES to your .env.

Or you can add a TRUST_ALL=1 to always forward the HEADER_X_FORWARDED_* headers, as mentionned on