A classified icons set that consists of a part of Material Design icons and some original icons by TB-UI team. Available in Icon Fonts and SVG Symbols.
You can check out all Iconfonts or all SVG symbols
Now the package has updated to version 0.2.0, if you are looking for the old version, checkout v1 branch or open gh-pages/v1.
npm install tb-icons
Make sure install
to resolve iconfonts files or svg files, and install target*-loader
to import icon stylesheets, likestylus-loader
, etc. -
@import (css) "path/to/tb-icons/lib/tb-icons.css";
@import 'path/to/tb-icons/lib/tb-icons.styl'
Move the fonts with Gulp
gulp.task('move-fonts', function () { gulp.src('node_modules/tb-icons/lib/fonts/**/*') .pipe(gulp.dest('path/to/fonts/')) })
Class Name
Ensure you've import relative stylesheets, and use it within existed icons
<span class="icon icon-{Icon Name}"></span>
SVG Symbols
Inline combined SVG reference into body, then drop a
element snippet<svg role="img"> <use xlink:href="#{Icon Name}></use> </svg>
Or directly link the external
file:<svg role="img"> <use xlink:href="{Url}/svg-symbols.svg#{Icon Name}"></use> </svg>
New version of TB-Icons required a valid Sketch
file to generate all resources, please make sure you have rights to create more assets, or you can ask designers to distribute that.
All build process can be found in gulpfile.babel.js
and local development is required for webpack
Please note the path to the sketchtool
. Usually the binary is distributed with the Sketch package. So you need to add following line to your shell rc file (like .bashrc, .zshrc, etc.) or execute it manually before run this project.
export PATH="/Applications/Sketch.app/Contents/Resources/sketchtool/bin/:$PATH"