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@tatethurston tatethurston released this 01 Oct 01:42
· 3 commits to main since this release


  • Adds support for Next.js's app directory. Link accepts either static routes (no url parameters) or a RouteLiteral string, which can be generated by the route helper from this library:

    import { route } from "nextjs-routes";
        pathname: "/foos/[foo]",
        query: { foo: "bar" },
  • Add RouteLiteral type. This type represents a string that has been confirmed to be a validated application route and can be passed to Link or useRouter. This is a TypeScript branded type.

    import { RouteLiteral } from "nextjs-routes";

    route returns a RouteLiteral. If you construct a route string you can cast it to a RouteLiteral so that Link and useRouter will accept it:

    const myRoute = `/foos/${foo}` as RouteLiteral

    In general, prefer using the route helper to generate routes.

  • Refine types for usePathname, useRouter and useParams from "next/navigation" to use nextjs-routes generated types.

  • Fix generated routes when using parallel-routes and intercepting-routes.

  • Fix ref type for Link. Previously ref was missing, now it's correctly typed.

Full Changelog: v2.2.1...v2.2.2