Various utilitiy scripts that make my i3wm experience easier.
Requires jq
to be installed in order to parse JSON.
Awaits for a specific i3 event to come through, prints the event and exits.
Example: Useful for knowing when a new window was spawned.
./ new
Like i3-await but for multiple event (does not exit after first event)
./ new
Executes command and then moves the resulting window to workspace WORKSPACE_INDEX (if necessary)
./ 9 google-chrome
Executes command, moves the resulting window to workspace WORKSPACE_INDEX (if necessary) and then switches to the new workspace
./ 8 spotify
Tracks the current workspace before executing command. After executing command and a new window is spawned, it moves it to the current workspace if necessary (which may have changed in the meantime)
./ firefox
Opens a new window to the left/top instead of right/bottom
./ firefox