Checkmate is an application that enables declarative configuration of Checkmk. With Checkmate, you can provide a YAML file that describes the folders, hosts, and rulesets, and then invoke Checkmate on that configuration, which will take care of pushing the necessary changes to the Checkmk site and activating them.
Checkmate is a Rust application, and can be installed using cargo
. Checkmate is not yet available on, so
you'll have to clone the repository and install it from there:
git clone
cd checkmate
cargo install --path checkmate
Configure checkmk declaratively using checkmate by providing a configuration file
Usage: checkmate <COMMAND>
lint Link the configuration file to the checkmk site
apply Apply the configuration to the checkmk site
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
checkmate lint
Validate the configuration file
Usage: checkmate lint [OPTIONS]
--config-file <CONFIG_FILE> The configuration file to use [env: CHECKMATE_CONFIG_FILE=] [default: checkmate.yaml]
--print-config Print the internal repesentation of the configuration file after loading it
-h, --help Print help
checkmate apply
Apply the configuration to the checkmk site
Usage: checkmate apply [OPTIONS] --server-url <SERVER_URL> --site <SITE> --secret <SECRET>
--server-url <SERVER_URL>
URL to the checkmk server.
If checkmk is not running at the root-path, please include the required prefix here.
--site <SITE>
The checkmk site to configure
--username <USERNAME>
The username to use for authentication
[default: automation]
--secret <SECRET>
The secret to use for authentication.
You should preferably provide this through the environment variable `CHECKMATE_CHECKMK_SECRET`.
--config-file <CONFIG_FILE>
The configuration file to use
[default: checkmate.yaml]
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
- Automatic removal of resources
Issue #19- Hosts: hosts removed from configuration (i.e. orphaned hosts) are not automatically removed.
- Workaround: manually remove the host through the Checkmk UI.
- Folders: folders removed from configuration (i.e. orphaned folders) are not automatically removed.
- Workaround: manually remove the folder through the Checkmk UI.
- Rulesets: removal of an entire ruleset will not remove the rules from Checkmk.
- Workaround: do not remove the entire ruleset from the YAML-file, but define an explicit empty list.
- Hosts: hosts removed from configuration (i.e. orphaned hosts) are not automatically removed.
Checkmate is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, (see LICENSE or
Checkmate internally makes use of various open-source projects. You can find a full list of these projects and their licenses in
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in Checkmate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, without any additional terms or conditions.
We require code submitted to be formatted with Rust's default rustfmt formatter (CI will automatically verified if your code is formatted correctly). We are using unstable rustfmt formatting rules, which requires running the formatter with a nightly toolchain, which you can do as follows:
$ rustup toolchain install nightly
$ cargo +nightly fmt
(Building and running Checkmate itself can and should happen with the stable toolchain.)
Additionally we are also checking whether there are any clippy warnings in your code. You can run clippy locally with:
$ cargo clippy --workspace --lib --bins --tests --all-targets -- -Dwarnings
There can be occasions where newer versions of clippy warn about code you haven't touched. In such cases we'll try to get those warnings resolved before merging your changes, or work together with you to get them resolved in your merge request.
This project has no official affiliation with Checkmk GmbH,, or any of their affiliates. "Checkmk", formerly "Check_MK", and the Checkmk logo are trademarks of Checkmk GmbH.