Basic feature list:
- cutorch.launchPTX function
- apply kernels from cutorch
This package brings CUDA 7 runtime compilation to Torch. Linux or OS X with C++11 compiler required. Installation:
luarocks install
Then after requiring cutorch-rtc
you will get launchPTX
function, which can run ptx code generated with NVRTC, and cutorch.apply
require 'cutorch-rtc'
t = torch.randn(8):cuda()
t:apply1'x = x < 0 ? 0 : x'
That would be a simple ReLU implementation.
Runs compiled PTX.
function cutorch.launchPTX(ptx, kernel_name, arguments, gridDim, blockDim)
- ptx - compiled PTX lua string
- kernel_name - name of kernel to run from the given PTX
- arguments - lua table with CudaTensors as inputs and subtables in the form {'int', n} to provide scalar arguments
- gridDim - size of the grid table, has to have at least one value, others will be filled with ones
- blockDim - size of block table, again has to have at least one value, others will be ones
PTX can be generated in runtime with
Short example:
local kernel = [[
extern "C" __global__
void kernel(float *a, int n)
int tx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if(tx < n)
a[tx] *= 2.f;
local ptx = nvrtc.compileReturnPTX(kernel)
local a = torch.randn(32):cuda()
local b = a:clone()
cutorch.launchPTX(ptx, 'kernel', {a, {'int', a:numel()}}, {1}, {32})
Applies provided operator to a tensor:
function CudaTensor.apply1(self, op)
op has to be a lua string assigning a value to variable 'x'. CUDA built-in device functions can be used, see CUDA documentation for more information. Multiline ops supported, has to be separated with ; Both contiguous and non-contiguous tensors are valid. First call to any apply operation takes about 0.5s, then the compiled code is cached and other calls are fast.
Applies provided operator using two tensors:
function CudaTensor.apply2(self, a, op)
op has to use 'x' and 'y' - self and a tensors. Can assign values to both tensors. See apply1 for properties.
Applies provided operator using three tensors:
function CudaTensor.apply3(self, a, b, op)
op has to use 'x', 'y' and 'z' - self, a and b tensors. Can assign values to all three tensors. See apply1 for properties.