This is a public HSMAdvisor plugin that allows users to use the HSMAdvisorCore.dll reference in their projects and take advantage of the features of HSMAdvisor in their applications. A sample VB.NET project named DLLTest and the HSMAdvisorCore.dll library are available for reference.
The HSMAdvisorCore library used in this project is the same as the one used in the HSMAdvisor standalone app, which can be downloaded from
To learn more about HSMAdvisor and its features, visit the project's homepage at
- Microsoft Windows 10, 11
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5+
- Visual Studio 2015 or later
Distribution of the HSMAdvisorCore library is permitted without prior permission, as long as the library is not used on computers that have circumvented the license mechanism, and the computers on which it is used are fully licensed. Eldar Gerfanov, HSMAdvisor Inc., holds the copyright to this library.