Swagger-core 2.0.7 released!
fix #3088 - fixes boolean @type annotation (#3125 )
Update jackson version to 2.9.8 (#3123 )
ref #3079 - update guava (#3121 )
bump jackson to 2.9.8 (#3120 )
fix #3071 - fixes empty enum in server variable (#3110 )
ref #2943 - replace reflections with classgraph (#3109 )
ref #3074 - include ModelConverter skipped classes in Reader shouldIgnoreClass (#3107 )
fix ArraySchema toString (#3105 )
fix #3094 - avoid duplicate fields in schema classes (#3102 )
fix #3098 - fix null enum item handling (#3100 )
ref #3082 - updated returnType handling (#3096 )
ref #3082 - jaxrs generic return type is abstract class (#3083 )
ref #3074 - Incorporate ModelConverters.skippedClasses before adding method return type to schema (#3078 )
ref #3073 - fix gradle plugin ext url (#3077 )
Swagger Core Rebranding in master (#3055 )
ref #3037 - SpecFilter fix filter schemas (#3039 )
ref #2971 - fix ObjectMapperProcessor scope of action (#3038 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.