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Add prompt builder + Speech to text
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Add prompt builder + Speech to text
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svilupp authored May 12, 2024
2 parents 7d52b63 + 65385d7 commit e30f96d
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Showing 15 changed files with 442 additions and 65 deletions.
20 changes: 15 additions & 5 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,15 +8,25 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

### Added

### Fixed

## [0.2.0]

### Added

Chat tab
- added delete icon to the last message in the conversation (for easy deletion)
- added a button in "Advanced Settings" to "Fork a conversation" (save to history for reference, but continue from a fresh copy)
- added a focus when a template is selected (on expand, on template selection, etc)
- Added delete icon to the last message in the conversation (for easy deletion)
- Added a button in "Advanced Settings" to "Fork a conversation" (save to history for reference, but continue from a fresh copy)
- Added a focus when a template is selected (on expand, on template selection, etc)
- Added a little edit icon for messages (disables the q-popup-edit that was distracting and jumping out too often)
- Added speech-to-text for the chat (click Record/Stop -> it will paste the text into the chat input and copy it in your clipboard)

Meta-prompting tab
- Add an experimental meta-prompting experience based on [arxiv]( See the tab "Meta-Prompting" for more details.
- Added an experimental meta-prompting experience based on [arxiv]( See the tab "Meta-Prompting" for more details.

### Fixed
Prompt Builder tab
- Added a tab to generate "prompt templates" that you can then "Apply In Chat" (it jumps to the chat tab and provides template variables to fill in)
- Allows selecting different models (eg, Opus or more powerful ones) and defining how many samples are provided to give you a choice

## [0.1.0]

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
name = "ProToPortal"
uuid = "f9496bd6-a3bb-4afc-927d-7268532ebfa9"
authors = ["J S <[email protected]> and contributors"]
version = "0.2.0-DEV"
version = "0.2.0"

Base64 = "2a0f44e3-6c83-55bd-87e4-b1978d98bd5f"
Dates = "ade2ca70-3891-5945-98fb-dc099432e06a"
GenieFramework = "a59fdf5c-6bf0-4f5d-949c-a137c9e2f353"
GenieSession = "03cc5b98-4f21-4eb6-99f2-22eced81f962"
Expand Down
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,18 +85,33 @@ For a preview, see the video: `docs/src/videos/screen-capture-code-fixing.mp4`
- Start "new chat" with conversations automatically saved both on disk and in history.

### History Tab

- Browse and load past conversations with a simple click.
- Fork past conversations for continued exploration without altering the original history.
- View the current session or reload to fetch all saved conversations.

### Templates Tab

- Explore all available templates with previews and metadata to select the most suitable one.
- Search functionality for quick filtering by partial names or keywords.

### Configuration Tab

- Change the default model or add new ones from PromptingTools.
- Modify the default system prompt used when not employing a template.

### Meta-Prompting Tab

- An experimental meta-prompting experience based on [arxiv](
- The model calls different "experts" to solve the provided tasks.

### Prompt Builder Tab

- Generate prompt templates (for use in Chat) from a brief description of a task.
- Generate multiple templates at once to choose from.
- Iterate all of them by providing more inputs in the text field.
- Once you're done, click "Apply in Chat" to jump to the normal chat (use as any other template, eg, fill in variables at the top).

And rich logging in the REPL to see what the GUI is doing under the hood!

## Screenshots
Expand Down
179 changes: 175 additions & 4 deletions app.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
module App
using Base64
using ProToPortal
using PromptingTools
const PT = PromptingTools
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,9 +70,19 @@ const HISTORY_SAVE = get(ENV, "PROTO_HISTORY_SAVE", true)
@in chat_auto_reply_count = 0
# chat
@in conv_displayed = Dict{Symbol, Any}[]
@in chat_edit_show = false
@in chat_edit_content = ""
@in chat_edit_save = false
@in chat_edit_index = 0
@in is_recording = false
@in audio_chunks = []
@in mediaRecorder = nothing
@in channel_ = nothing
# Enter text
@in chat_question = ""
@out chat_disabled = false
@out chat_question_tokens = ""
@out chat_convo_tokens = ""
# Select template
@in chat_advanced_expanded = false
@in chat_template_expanded = false
Expand All @@ -92,6 +103,16 @@ const HISTORY_SAVE = get(ENV, "PROTO_HISTORY_SAVE", true)
@in meta_rounds_current = 0
@in meta_displayed = Dict{Symbol, Any}[]
@in meta_rm_last_msg = false
## Prompt Builder
@in builder_apply = false
@in builder_submit = false
@in builder_reset = false
@in builder_disabled = false
@in builder_question = ""
@in builder_tabs = Dict{Symbol, Any}[]
@in builder_tab = "tab1"
@in builder_model = isempty(PT.GROQ_API_KEY) ? "gpt4t" : "gllama370"
@in builder_samples = 3
# Template browser
@in template_filter = ""
@in template_submit = false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,6 +252,34 @@ const HISTORY_SAVE = get(ENV, "PROTO_HISTORY_SAVE", true)
chat_reset = true
conv_displayed = conv_displayed_temp
@onchange conv_displayed begin
chat_convo_tokens = if isempty(conv_displayed)
elseif PT.isaimessage(conv_displayed[end][:message])
msg = conv_displayed[end][:message]
"Tokens: $(sum(msg.tokens)), Cost: \$$(round(msg.cost;digits=2))"
## Chat Speech-to-text
@onchange fileuploads begin
if !isempty(fileuploads)
@info "File was uploaded: " fileuploads["path"]
filename = base64encode(fileuploads["name"])
fn_new = fileuploads["path"] * ".wav"
mv(fileuploads["path"], fn_new; force = true)
chat_question = openai_whisper(fn_new)
rm(fn_new; force = true), "this.copyToClipboardText(this.chat_question);")
catch e
@error "Error processing file: $e"
notify(__model__, "Error processing file: $(fileuploads["name"])")
fileuploads = Dict{AbstractString, AbstractString}()
### Meta-prompting
@onbutton meta_submit begin
meta_disabled = true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,6 +321,71 @@ const HISTORY_SAVE = get(ENV, "PROTO_HISTORY_SAVE", true)
meta_displayed = meta_displayed
### Prompt Builder
@onbutton builder_submit begin
builder_disabled = true
@info "> Prompt Builder Triggered - generating $(builder_samples) samples"
first_run = isempty(builder_tabs)
for i in 1:builder_samples
if first_run
## Generate the first version
conv_current = send_to_model(
:PromptGeneratorBasic; task = builder_question, model = builder_model)
new_sample = Dict(:name => "tab$(i)",
:label => "Sample $(i)",
:display => [msg2display(msg; id)
for (id, msg) in enumerate(conv_current)])
## add new sample
builder_tabs = push!(builder_tabs, new_sample)
## Generate the future iterations
current_tab = builder_tabs[i]
conv = prepare_conversation(
current_tab[:display]; question = builder_question)
conv_current = send_to_model(
conv; model = builder_model)
## update the tab
current_tab[:display] = [msg2display(msg; id)
for (id, msg) in enumerate(conv_current)]
builder_tabs[i] = current_tab
builder_tabs = builder_tabs

builder_disabled, builder_question = false, ""
@onbutton builder_reset begin
@info "> Prompt Builder Reset!"
builder_tabs = empty!(builder_tabs)
builder_disabled, builder_question = false, ""
@onbutton builder_apply begin
@info "> Applying Prompt Builder!"
builder_msg = filter(x -> x[:name] == builder_tab, builder_tabs) |> only
aimsg = builder_msg[:display][end][:message]
instructions, inputs = parse_builder(aimsg)
if isempty(instructions) && isempty(inputs)
notify(__model__, "Parsing failed! Retry...")
conv_current = if isempty(inputs)
notify(__model__, "Parsing failed! Expect bad results / edit as needed!")
## slap all instructions into user message
[PT.SystemMessage(system_prompt), PT.UserMessage(instructions)]
## turn into sytem and user message
[PT.SystemMessage(instructions), PT.UserMessage(inputs)]
conv_displayed = [msg2display(msg; id)
for (id, msg) in enumerate(conv_current)]
## show the variables to fill in by the user -- use the last message / UserMessage
chat_template_expanded = true
chat_template_variables = [Dict(:id => id, :variable => String(sym),
:content => "")
for (id, sym) in enumerate(conv_current[end].variables)]
## change page to chat
selected_page = "chat"
### Template browsing behavior
@onbutton template_submit begin
@info "> Template filter: $template_filter"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -306,10 +420,7 @@ const HISTORY_SAVE = get(ENV, "PROTO_HISTORY_SAVE", true)
## TODO: add cost tracking on configuration pages + token tracking
## TODO: add RAG/knowledge loading from folder or URL
# Required for the JS events

# set focus to the first variable when it changes
@watch begin
Expand All @@ -330,6 +441,16 @@ end
// saves edits made in the chat dialog
saveEdits(index) {
this.chat_edit_show = false;
this.conv_displayed[this.chat_edit_index].content = this.chat_edit_content;
this.chat_edit_content = "";
updateLengthChat() {
const tokens = Math.round(this.chat_question.length / 3.5);
this.chat_question_tokens = `Approx. tokens: ${tokens}`;
focusTemplateSelect() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -387,6 +508,56 @@ end; // Select the <textarea> content
document.execCommand('copy'); // Copy - only works as a result of a user action (e.g. click events)
document.body.removeChild(el); // Remove the <textarea> element
copyToClipboardText(str) {
const el = document.createElement('textarea'); // Create a <textarea> element
el.value = str; // Set its value to the string that you want copied
el.setAttribute('readonly', ''); // Make it readonly to be tamper-proof = 'absolute'; = '-9999px'; // Move outside the screen to make it invisible
document.body.appendChild(el); // Append the <textarea> element to the HTML document; // Select the <textarea> content
document.execCommand('copy'); // Copy - only works as a result of a user action (e.g. click events)
document.body.removeChild(el); // Remove the <textarea> element
async toggleRecording() {
if (!this.is_recording) {
} else {
async startRecording() {
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true })
.then(stream => {
this.is_recording = true
this.mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream);
this.mediaRecorder.onstop = () => {
const audioBlob = new Blob(this.audio_chunks, { type: 'audio/wav' });
this.is_recording = false;
// upload via uploader
const file = new File([audioBlob], 'test.wav');
this.$refs.uploader.addFiles([file], 'test.wav');
this.$refs.uploader.upload(); // Trigger the upload
console.log("Uploaded WAV");
this.mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = event => {
.catch(error => console.error('Error accessing microphone:', error));
stopRecording() {
if (this.mediaRecorder) {
} else {
console.error('MediaRecorder is not initialized');
Expand Down
11 changes: 4 additions & 7 deletions docs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,14 +11,11 @@ hero:
alt: Portal Icon
- theme: brand
text: Get Started
link: /getting_started
text: Introduction
link: /introduction
- theme: alt
text: How It Works
link: /how_it_works
- theme: alt
text: F.A.Q.
link: /frequently_asked_questions
text: Reference
link: /reference
- theme: alt
text: View on GitHub
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,6 +92,18 @@ For a preview, see the video: `docs/src/videos/screen-capture-code-fixing.mp4`
- Change the default model or add new ones from PromptingTools.
- Modify the default system prompt used when not employing a template.

### Meta-Prompting Tab

- An experimental meta-prompting experience based on [arxiv](
- The model calls different "experts" to solve the provided tasks.

### Prompt Builder Tab

- Generate prompt templates (for use in Chat) from a brief description of a task.
- Generate multiple templates at once to choose from.
- Iterate all of them by providing more inputs in the text field.
- Once you're done, click "Apply in Chat" to jump to the normal chat (use as any other template, eg, fill in variables at the top).

And rich logging in the REPL to see what the GUI is doing under the hood!

## Alternatives
Expand Down
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions main.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
using Pkg
using GenieFramework
ENV["PORT"] = "8000"
ENV["GENIE_ENV"] = "prod"
## include("app.jl") # hack for hot-reloading when fixing things
## ENV["GENIE_ENV"] = "prod"
include("app.jl") # hack for hot-reloading when fixing things
up(async = true);
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/ProToPortal.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ using PromptingTools.Experimental.AgentTools: aicodefixer_feedback, airetry!, AI
const AT = PromptingTools.Experimental.AgentTools

using GenieFramework
using GenieFramework.JSON3
using GenieFramework.Stipple.HTTP
using GenieSession
using GenieFramework.StippleUI.Layouts: layout
using GenieFramework.StippleUI.API: kw
Expand All @@ -19,7 +21,7 @@ export Genie, Server, up, down

export msg2display, display2msg, template_variables, update_message, update_message!
export render_messages, render_template_messages
export conversation2transcript, parse_critic, load_conversations_from_dir
export conversation2transcript, parse_critic, parse_builder, load_conversations_from_dir

export save_conversation
Expand All @@ -28,11 +30,15 @@ include("serialization.jl")
export flash, flash_has_message

export openai_whisper

export messagecard, templatecard


export ui, ui_login
Expand Down

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