A Sunbeam extension for assembly of contigs using Megahit, gene annotation using Prodigal, and annotation using Blast and Diamond. It can also map reads to contigs and calculat per-base coverage using Minimap2 and samtools.
To install, activate your conda environment (using the name of your environment) and use sunbeam extend
conda activate <i>sunbeamX.X.X</i>
sunbeam extend https://github.com/sunbeam-labs/sbx_assembly.git
To generate contigs, annotations and coverage, create a project and use the all_assembly
, all_annotation
, and all_coverage
sunbeam init --data_fp /path/to/reads/ /path/to/project/
sunbeam run --profile /path/to/project/ --target_list all_assembly all_annotate
N.B. For sunbeam versions <4 the last command will be something like sunbeam run --configfile /path/to/project/sunbeam_config.yml all_assembly
and sunbeam run --configfile /path/to/project/sunbeam_config.yml all_annotation
- min_length: Is the minimum contig length to accept in the final filtering Annotation
- threads: Is the number of threads to use running blast/diamond
- circular_kmin: Is the minimum length of overlap to check for circular contigs with
- circular_kmax: Is the maximum length of overlap to check for circular contigs with
- circular_min_len: Is the minimum sequence length to consider checking for circularity Coverage
- threads: Is the number of threads to use while running
andsamtools sort
For sunbeam versions <3 or if sunbeam extend
isn't working, you can use git
directly to install an extension:
git clone https://github.com/sunbeam-labs/sbx_assembly.git extensions/sbx_assembly
and then include it in the config for any given project with:
cat extensions/sbx_assembly/config.yml >> /path/to/project/sunbeam_config.yml