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Efficient and Explainable Risk Assessments for Imminent Dementia

This repository contains code for reproducing the results from our paper, "Efficient and Explainable Risk Assessments for Imminent Dementia in an Aging Cohort Study."


As the aging US population grows, scalable approaches are needed to identify individuals at risk for dementia. Common prediction tools have limited predictive value, involve expensive neuroimaging, or require extensive and repeated cognitive testing. None of these approaches scale to the sizable aging population who do not receive routine clinical assessments. Our study seeks a tractable and widely administrable set of metrics that can accurately predict imminent (i.e., within three years) dementia onset. To this end, we develop and apply a machine learning (ML) model to an aging cohort study with an extensive set of longitudinal clinical variables to highlight at-risk individuals with better accuracy than standard rudimentary approaches. Next, we reduce the burden needed to achieve accurate risk assessments for those deemed at risk by (1) predicting when consecutive clinical visits may be unnecessary, and (2) selecting a subset of highly predictive cognitive tests. Finally, we demonstrate that our method successfully provides individualized prediction explanations that retain non-linear feature effects present in the data. Our final model, which uses only four cognitive tests (less than 20 minutes to administer) collected in a single visit, affords predictive performance comparable to a standard 100-minute neuropsychological battery and personalized risk explanations. Our approach shows the potential for an efficient tool for screening and explaining dementia risk in the general aging population.

Overview of our approach



Data Access

Note: data files are not available in this repository due to data privacy. Instructions for accessing ROSMAP data via the AD Knowledge Portal are available here.

Data Processing

  • Data_Processing/

    • 1_ROSMAP_preprocess_data_windows.ipynb - Obtain samples with appropriate "input data window" and "prediction windows" for longitudinal risk prediction. Split samples into appropriate cross-validation and test sets.
    • 2_standardizing_variables.ipynb - Normalizes variables for modeling.
    • 2.1_standardizing_variables-jbhi_revision.ipynb - Additional analyses added for JBHI revision (added some analyses to determine which rows/columns to keep for missing data imputation experiements; code to do pre-processing for data with normalized cognition scores based on age/sex/edu )
    • 3_Processing_impute_and_stack_features.ipynb - Perform some additional pre-processing for modeling.
    • 4_Downsampling.ipynb - Implementation for various downsampling methods evaluated.
  • Basic_Analyses/ - This folder contains multiple analysis notebooks to identify high-level relationships among variables in the ROSMAP data set.

Modeling and Results

  • Models_and_Figures/
    • cross_validation_LR_and_GBDT.ipynb - Examples of cross-validation training runs for the non-deep learning methods (LR and GBDT).
    • cross_validation_MLP_and_LSTM.ipynb - Examples of cross-validation training runs for deep learning methods (MLP and LSTM).
    • summarize_CV_results.ipynb - Compute average validation performance of all models. Generate plots comparing performance across different years of available data.
    • final_models.ipynb - Train and obtain performance metrics for our model and all baselines.
    • final_models-demographics_controlled_cognition.ipynb - Model for predicting dementia onset from demographics-normalized cognition scores.
    • figures_scripts.ipynb - Scripts to generate figures for the paper.
    • - Helper functions used in other notebooks to do final feature and label data processing.

Additional Method Details and Results

Selected hyperparameters for each model

We performed extensive 5-fold cross-validation over combinations of many hyperparameters to identify the best performing model of each model class. The final selected hyperparameters are provided below:

Model Hyperparameters
Logistic Regression (LR) L2 regularization (C=1.0), optimized with L-BFGS solver; all other parameters set as the default Scikit-Learn parameters.
Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (GBDT) Max tree depth = 4 layers; Minimum child weight = 0.25, learning rate = 0.1, log loss evaluation metric, patience = 5 rounds.
Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM) Structure: LSTM node with 20 dimensions, followed by a 5-dimensional feed-forward layer with ReLU activation, followed by a dense layer with a sigmoid output. The first two layers had a dropout probability of 0.1. Optimized with Adam using binary cross-entropy loss. Trained for up to 20 epochs with early stopping (and patience of 3 epochs), using batch sizes of 100.
Multi-layer Perceptrons (MLP) Structure: two hidden layers of size 30 and 5 (each with ReLU activations and dropout probability 0.1), followed by a dense layer output with a sigmoid activation. Optimized with Adam using binary cross-entropy loss. Trained for up to 20 epochs with early stopping (and patience of 3 epochs), using batch sizes of 100.

Cross-validation model results

We provide results for each combination of model class, downsampling approach, time-series encoding approach below. Each value is the average +- standard error over 5 validation folds:

Model Downsampling Time-series encoding CV Accuracy CV AUROC CV AUPRC
LR Random All data: current year 0.8402 +- 0.0085 0.9226 +- 0.0031 0.6878 +- 0.0119
All data: last 2 years 0.8357 +- 0.0099 0.9200 +- 0.0039 0.6819 +- 0.0127
All data: last 3 years 0.8372 +- 0.0122 0.9154 +- 0.0042 0.6670 +- 0.0136
Moving averages 0.8369 +- 0.0109 0.9164 +- 0.0042 0.6697 +- 0.0138
Slopes 0.8370 +- 0.0124 0.9152 +- 0.0042 0.6668 +- 0.0134
Matched pairs All data: current year 0.8321 +- 0.0088 0.8964 +- 0.0036 0.6487 +- 0.0169
All data: last 2 years 0.8300 +- 0.0074 0.8935 +- 0.0055 0.6457 +- 0.0174
All data: last 3 years 0.8263 +- 0.0072 0.8890 +- 0.0050 0.6320 +- 0.0183
Moving averages 0.8264 +- 0.0069 0.8899 +- 0.0050 0.6353 +- 0.0185
Slopes 0.8261 +- 0.0075 0.8888 +- 0.0050 0.6318 +- 0.0183
None All data: current year 0.9032 +- 0.0038 0.9229 +- 0.0032 0.6927 +- 0.0087
All data: last 2 years 0.9054 +- 0.0034 0.9223 +- 0.0040 0.6941 +- 0.0111
All data: last 3 years 0.9045 +- 0.0048 0.9205 +- 0.0044 0.6893 +- 0.0110
Moving averages 0.9043 +- 0.0048 0.9206 +- 0.0043 0.6898 +- 0.0110
Slopes 0.9045 +- 0.0047 0.9204 +- 0.0044 0.6892 +- 0.0109
Re-weighting All data: current year 0.8447 +- 0.0086 0.9235 +- 0.0035 0.6952 +- 0.0110
All data: last 2 years 0.8446 +- 0.0104 0.9228 +- 0.0040 0.6951 +- 0.0131
All data: last 3 years 0.8461 +- 0.0095 0.9210 +- 0.0041 0.6906 +- 0.0132
Moving averages 0.8452 +- 0.0094 0.9212 +- 0.0040 0.6908 +- 0.0129
Slopes 0.8466 +- 0.0095 0.9209 +- 0.0041 0.6904 +- 0.0132
GBDT Random All data: current year 0.8276 +- 0.0111 0.9156 +- 0.0042 0.6670 +- 0.0085
All data: last 2 years 0.8372 +- 0.0104 0.9175 +- 0.0036 0.6663 +- 0.0131
All data: last 3 years 0.8323 +- 0.0107 0.9150 +- 0.0042 0.6585 +- 0.0141
Moving averages 0.8288 +- 0.0104 0.9133 +- 0.0032 0.6631 +- 0.0134
Slopes 0.8323 +- 0.0099 0.9171 +- 0.0033 0.6636 +- 0.0094
Matched pairs All data: current year 0.8261 +- 0.0101 0.8940 +- 0.0045 0.6134 +- 0.0116
All data: last 2 years 0.8340 +- 0.0100 0.8974 +- 0.0041 0.6235 +- 0.0102
All data: last 3 years 0.8360 +- 0.0104 0.8973 +- 0.0052 0.6237 +- 0.0091
Moving averages 0.8284 +- 0.0069 0.8951 +- 0.0045 0.6290 +- 0.0116
Slopes 0.8379 +- 0.0084 0.9000 +- 0.0050 0.6338 +- 0.0132
None All data: current year 0.9041 +- 0.0047 0.9164 +- 0.0033 0.6731 +- 0.0128
All data: last 2 years 0.9029 +- 0.0041 0.9176 +- 0.0041 0.6767 +- 0.0123
All data: last 3 years 0.9046 +- 0.0045 0.9163 +- 0.0044 0.6763 +- 0.0132
Moving averages 0.9034 +- 0.0057 0.9132 +- 0.0046 0.6721 +- 0.0117
Slopes 0.9040 +- 0.0045 0.9164 +- 0.0042 0.6780 +- 0.0130
Re-weighting All data: current year 0.8456 +- 0.0097 0.9169 +- 0.0043 0.6746 +- 0.0162
All data: last 2 years 0.8519 +- 0.0105 0.9199 +- 0.0044 0.6819 +- 0.0159
All data: last 3 years 0.8501 +- 0.0111 0.9180 +- 0.0049 0.6774 +- 0.0159
Moving averages 0.8491 +- 0.0084 0.9154 +- 0.0042 0.6709 +- 0.0185
Slopes 0.8517 +- 0.0096 0.9183 +- 0.0037 0.6778 +- 0.0126
MLP Random All data: current year 0.8198 +- 0.0156 0.9030 +- 0.0118 0.6701 +- 0.0158
All data: last 2 years 0.8276 +- 0.0102 0.9124 +- 0.0048 0.6714 +- 0.0110
All data: last 3 years 0.8148 +- 0.0146 0.9109 +- 0.0052 0.6691 +- 0.0106
Moving averages 0.8188 +- 0.0113 0.9056 +- 0.0029 0.6583 +- 0.0104
Slopes 0.8228 +- 0.0131 0.9037 +- 0.0090 0.6467 +- 0.0099
Matched pairs All data: current year 0.8222 +- 0.0089 0.9004 +- 0.0050 0.6470 +- 0.0112
All data: last 2 years 0.8154 +- 0.0156 0.8822 +- 0.0127 0.6140 +- 0.0109
All data: last 3 years 0.8222 +- 0.0081 0.8893 +- 0.0028 0.6292 +- 0.0145
Moving averages 0.8252 +- 0.0102 0.8956 +- 0.0068 0.6441 +- 0.0126
Slopes 0.8293 +- 0.0104 0.8937 +- 0.0039 0.6232 +- 0.0100
None All data: current year 0.9011 +- 0.0040 0.9188 +- 0.0026 0.6848 +- 0.0077
All data: last 2 years 0.9030 +- 0.0054 0.9191 +- 0.0036 0.6761 +- 0.0105
All data: last 3 years 0.9036 +- 0.0056 0.9186 +- 0.0050 0.6694 +- 0.0144
Moving averages 0.9013 +- 0.0034 0.9133 +- 0.0035 0.6705 +- 0.0080
Slopes 0.9002 +- 0.0043 0.8940 +- 0.0218 0.6670 +- 0.0135
Re-weighting All data: current year 0.8322 +- 0.0083 0.9184 +- 0.0038 0.6933 +- 0.0107
All data: last 2 years 0.8433 +- 0.0099 0.9207 +- 0.0039 0.6887 +- 0.0124
All data: last 3 years 0.8459 +- 0.0090 0.9211 +- 0.0041 0.6952 +- 0.0159
Moving averages 0.8348 +- 0.0106 0.9151 +- 0.0037 0.6763 +- 0.0060
Slopes 0.8400 +- 0.0107 0.9111 +- 0.0061 0.6765 +- 0.0067
LSTM Random All data: current year 0.8312 +- 0.0105 0.9213 +- 0.0035 0.6894 +- 0.0137
All data: last 2 years 0.8315 +- 0.0105 0.9188 +- 0.0036 0.6834 +- 0.0119
All data: last 3 years 0.8108 +- 0.0103 0.9103 +- 0.0031 0.6564 +- 0.0087
Matched pairs All data: current year 0.8213 +- 0.0113 0.8932 +- 0.0047 0.6398 +- 0.0090
All data: last 2 years 0.8313 +- 0.0083 0.8974 +- 0.0030 0.6346 +- 0.0117
All data: last 3 years 0.8060 +- 0.0059 0.8884 +- 0.0027 0.6224 +- 0.0111
None All data: current year 0.9022 +- 0.0039 0.9032 +- 0.0175 0.6677 +- 0.0096
All data: last 2 years 0.9045 +- 0.0046 0.9197 +- 0.0046 0.6699 +- 0.0089
All data: last 3 years 0.9021 +- 0.0050 0.9047 +- 0.0168 0.6691 +- 0.0189
Re-weighting All data: current year 0.8373 +- 0.0095 0.9208 +- 0.0033 0.6807 +- 0.0123
All data: last 2 years 0.8526 +- 0.0154 0.9199 +- 0.0048 0.6909 +- 0.0123
All data: last 3 years 0.8338 +- 0.0097 0.9217 +- 0.0038 0.6980 +- 0.0144


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