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Blog Post
- Only to my followers : Network
- Public on my profile : Public
- On magazine
Magazine_Private : Limit to approved members
Public : Magazine_Public
categoryId | categoryCode | categoryName | belongsTo |
1 | student-of-the-week | Student Of the Week | Story |
2 | whats-hot | What's Hot | Story |
3 | tech-news | Tech News | Story |
4 | blog | Blog | Story |
5 | conference | Conference | Event |
6 | seminar | Seminar | Event |
7 | tech-fest | Tech Fest | Event |
8 | part-time | Part Time | Opportunity |
9 | full-time | Full Time | Opportunity |
10 | internship | Internship | Opportunity |
This is for reference only, Needed if we would like to keep track of campaigns happening
campaignId | campaignName | campaignCoverPic | campaignCreatedBy | campaignCreatedAt | noOfPosts |
1 | Sumara Fest | https://stm.s3.ap-southeast.aws.com/images/j83r.jpg | teamuser | 2020-01-15 10:15:54 | 4 |
2 | Edo campaign | https://stm.s3.ap-southeast.aws.com/images/jd83.jpg | stumagzsu | 2020-01-15 15:29:54 | 1 |
id | postId | userId | likedAt |
1 | 9459 | teamuser | 2020-01-15 10:15:54 |
2 | 9458 | stumagzsu | 2020-01-15 15:29:54 |
postId | postType | publishedMagzId | publishedMagzName | postTitle | postTitleId | description | category | keywords | coverpicURL | coverpicPosition | draftContent | liveContent | isPublished | publishedAt | pubishedByUserName | publishedByUserId | isApproved | approvedOn | authorUserName | authorUserId | isFeatured | isSponsored | isCampaign | isChildPost | campaignData |
5 | Story | 248 | CMREC | Padma Nabha Simha Festival | padma-sri-gari-fest-campaign | This is a campaign to have fun with stories and events | campaign | [ "padma sri" , "simha" , "festival" ] | https://stm.s3.ap-southeast.aws.com/images/jsdf8wjf89fj3w.jpg | {x:40%, y:20%, z:220%} | NULL | NULL | NULL | True | 2020-01-15 08:40:04 | stumagzadmin | 12 | True | 2020-01-15 08:42:36 | someuser | 484 | True | False | True | False |
9458 | Story | 853 | VBIT | Test post talking about events | test-post-talking-about-9458 | This is description of the story, what else you want | blog | [ "keyword" , "story" , "specialstory" ] | https://stm.s3.ap-southeast.aws.com/images/ue8he8rh38f.jpg | {x:20%, y:0%, z:100%} | {...}1 | {...}1 | True | 2020-01-16 10:04:24 | stumagzadmin | 12 | True | 2020-01-16 14:34:06 | samuser | 484 | True | False | False | True | {...}2 |
9459 | Event | 357 | Test Magazine | Pani leks rasina post idi, kudirithe like kottu | pani-leka-rasina-post-idi-9459 | This is also a test description | tech-fest | [ "paniledu" , "time pass" ] | https://stm.s3.ap-southeast.aws.com/images/je8fe89de8d8j.jpg | {x:50%, y:50%, z:100%} | {...}1 | {...}1 | False | NULL | chantibunty | 242 | False | NULL | chantibunty | 242 | False | False | False | True | {...}2 |
postId -> unique post id (Mandatory)
postType -> is blog post is story / event / project / opportunity / campaign
postTitle -> Title of the post (Mandatory) (Min 30 chars excluding special symbols, Max 140 chars including special symbols)
postTitleId -> unique ( auto generated slug of max 30 chars excluding special symbols ) post title id - append postId if slug is already taken (Mandatory)
publishedMagzId -> published magazine details
draftId -> unique ( auto generated ) used to identify last edited version which is not yet approved (Mandatory)
description -> simple text with simple special symbols. Max length should not exceed 200 chars (Optional)
category -> Category Name (Mandatory)
keywords -> keywords / tags related to post (Mandatory for all kinds of posts)
coverpicURL -> URL of the blog post coverpic
coverpicPosition -> Coverpic position (Default : {x:50%, y:50%, z:100%})
postDarftContent -> jsonContent of blog post
postLiveContent -> jsonContent of blog post
campaignId -> Array of campaingId's that this post is belongs to (Default Empty array)
isPublished -> whether story is published or not
2 {postId:5, coverpicUrl:https://stm.s3.ap-southeast.aws.com/images/ue8he8rh38f.jpg, title: this is a campaign to have fun with stories and events, description: this is a description, isFeatured : True, isSponsored : False }
While writing / editing a post, it will be saved to draftContent as a draft. Publish api have to copy the draftContent to liveContent and unique postTitleId will be auto generated (if it is not there). Editing, re publishing and saving will have no impact on postTitleId.
When there is any edits / updates to campaingn / parent post, child posts needs to update campaign data.
- publishedAt -> time of publishing (Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss)
- publishedByUserName -> Actual user name who wrote blog post
- isApproved -> whether story is approved / or not (Default Approved)
- approvedByUserName -> User who approved the post (stumagz admin / employee)(Default null)
- rejectedByUserName -> User who rejected the post (stumagz admin / employee)(Default null)
- approvedOn -> time of approving by stumagz admin (Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss) (Same as published Date)
- rejectedOn -> time of rejecting by stumagz admin (Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss)(Default null)
- authorUserName -> same as publishedByUserName if publisher is not admin or on behalf of another user name if publisher is stumagz admin / employee
- isFeatured -> is featured post or not
- isSponsored -> isSponsored post or not
- Users should able to upload the image with draggable and resizable options.
- Users should able to upload the cover image of the dimension of 16:9.
- The maximum binary size of the cover image should be 5 MB.
- Uploading images should be optional.
- Allow user to select the category of the blog post.
- The category list will be segregated based on blog post type.
- The maximum length of the title should be 140 characters.
- Allow all special characters
- Show live character count of the title while typing (Design).
- The maximum length of the description should be of length 200 characters.
- Allow the suggested keywords based on the content of the blog post.
- At least one keyword should be input to publish the post.
- Allow users to attach the stumagz forms to the blogpost.
- Naming conventions change based on blogpost type (eg: for a story - leads, opportunity - application form ).
- Allow users to select the bold, italic, underline, link.
- Allow user to upload an image of ratio 4:3
- Allow users to upload images of types including JPEG, PNG, GIF.
- Store the images s3 bucket. (Tech)
- Allow users to embed the youtube video with a youtube link.
- Allow users to add quotation lines between paragraphs.
Each magazine will contain 1 or more number of edition (versions). New edition will be created while releasing of an edition and no other upcoming editions exists. Any edition will be released (if there exists sufficient approved posts for the release) on specific intervals mentioned on magazine settings page by magazine admin. Default is bi-monthly (i.e., 14 days). Posts related to upcoming editions will never be listed on magazine board and other pages until edition / version is released.
So far, a user can create a post (story / event / opportunity / project) inside a magazine. But now onwards, a user can create post on his profile (without magazine) only. Then he can send it to any magazine at the same time or at later stage (if story is not rejected by stumagz admin).
If a post is being written on his profile and not sent to any magazine it will be approved by default. Later admin can reject it. If any post sent to a magazine, magazine admin can approve / reject the post if stumagz admin not rejected the post. While approving the post by magazine admin, magazine admin can choose at what issue it can be published by selecting next upcoming edition. Admin can select any one of the next upcoming editions, or else admin can create a new upcoming edition and select it. One post can be sent multiple times to same magazine. But it can never be duplicated in same issue.
What's Hot
,Tech News
, Sports
, Inspiration
,Student of the week
, Human Interest
, Humor
,My Take
,Book Reviews
,Product Review
,Gang of the week
Address 1
,Address 2
, city
(Pick from Predefined List), state
(Pick from Predefined List), country
(Pick from Predefined List)
- Allow users to pick the location from the google maps.
,Tech Fest
, Cultural Fest
,Sports Fest
, Management Fest
, Protest
, Workshop
, Boot camp
, Campus Drives
, Hackathon
, Online Event
, Outdoor Event
, Job fair
, Innovation
- Allow users to select the date and time.
- Allow users to select the date and time.
- Allow users to select ticketing to the event.
- Allow the author to add organizers to the event.
, Full-Time
, Scholarship
, Job
- Allow users to add at least one skill.
- Allow users to pick job role from a list
- Allow users to pick multiple cities from the predefined list of Cities.
- Allow users to pick multiple cities from the predefined list of Countries.
- Office address
- Allow users to write multiple benefits/ perks.
- User will not be allowed to apply to oppertunity before specified date.
- External Oppertunity Link
- Name
- Mobile
- User will not be allowed to apply to opportunity after the specified date.
- Oppertunity Vissible to VIP only set at the time of creation and can be updated.
- Allow users to add the technologies used in that project.
- Allow user to add project abstract
- Allow users to pick the users from stumagz users.
- If required user not found in the stumagz users, allow inviting via email.
- Main posts is a common blog post.
- Sub post is similar to a blog post but has a parent post and is not listed individually.
- Encoding should be referred for Title, description.
- Facebook debugger unable to scrape the blogpost.
- Allow cover pic adjustment.
- Unable to follow the formatting that exists in the content when it is pasted from other sources.
- Allow GIFs wherever the images can be added.
- Special Symbols in Title, Description, Content ...etc.