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Migration guide for v72

Richard Marmorstein edited this page Jun 9, 2023 · 1 revision


This major release contains breaking changes related to Stripe API Version 2020-08-27. Please read the API Upgrade guide for details about how to migrate.


API Removals

  • Remove support for the Recipient API
  • Remove support for the RecipientTransfer API
  • Remove support for the BitcoinReceiver API
  • Remove support for the ThreeDSecure API which has been replaced by PaymentIntent and PaymentMethod
  • Remove support for the ExchangeRate API which has never shipped publicly and is being reworked
  • Properly remove ThreeDSecure class entirely

Field removals

  • Remove Prorate across Billing APIs in favor of ProrationBehavior
  • Remove TaxPercent across Billing APIs in favor of TaxRate-related parameters and properties
  • Remove DisplayItems on Checkout Session in favor of LineItems
  • Remove FailureURL and SuccessURL on AccountLink in favor of RefreshURL and ReturnURL
  • Remove AccountLinkTypeCustomAccountUpdate and AccountLinkTypeCustomAccountVerification on AccountLink in favor of AccountLinkTypeAccountOnboarding and AccountLinkTypeAccountUpdate
  • Remove Authenticated and Succeeded on ChargePaymentMethodDetailsCardThreeDSecure
  • Remove Plan, Quantity, TaxPercent and TrialEnd from Customer creation or update in favor of the Subscription API
  • Remove deprecated parameters SavePaymentMethod and Source on PaymentIntent

Field rename

  • Rename Plans to Items on SubscriptionSchedule