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Steve Seguin edited this page Sep 12, 2020 · 6 revisions

While OBS.Ninja is a passion project and is free to use, there are some costs involved in providing it. Sponsoring the maintainer/developer of OBS.Ninja helps directly with subsidizing those costs.

To do so, please visit Steve Seguin's GitHub Sponsors page.

While GitHub Sponsors is the preferred way to donate, there is also PayPal and buymeacoffee. If you wish to contribute financially in other ways, please contact Steve directly: [email protected]

If you do sponsor Steve, be sure to let him know on Discord so he can thank you personally; he will also provide you access to a Sponsors-only Discord channel if you do.

Another way to contribute to OBS.Ninja is via user feedback and suggestions; both are highly-valued as well. Spreading the word of OBS.Ninja to those who may find it useful is also greatly appreciated. Community involvement, such as helping to support other users, writing user-guides, and even showcasing what you've made with OBS.Ninja is also appreciated.

Thank you

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