Firmware for Brigitte Bar Bot - an Arduino-based bar queuing robot
To download and install this code:
- Clone this repository
- Install PPM-reader in your Arduino library folder according to the instructions in the README.
- Use ArduinoISP to update the firmware on both ComMotion processors to the firwmare in ComMotion_Shield_V2_3
- Upload BrigitteBarBot to the main Arduino board
- Disconnect USB power
- Connect the left motors to M1 and M2
- Connect the right motors to M3 and M4
- Connect the motor encoders, the sensor connector (with two wires) should match the arrow pin
- Connect the SBUS/PPM RC receiver power - red to 5V, black to GND (pins 3 and 4 of the power connector on the ComMotion board)
- Connect the SBUS/PPM RC receiver signal wire to PD2 (INT0)
- Short VIN
- Power the ComMotion board with a 7-9V Li-ion battery
Remove the VIN jumper before connecting USB. USB does not provide enough power for the motors (and barely enough power for the ComMotion board).