I (@stephenc) am not actively maintaining this repository. Because the Maven Central publishing of this is tied to my personal account, I cannot transfer the project to somebody else without changing the GroupId.
If somebody wants to take responsibility for vetting pull requests, etc I am happy to give them commit permissions and I can set up something to allow periodic releases.
If somebody wants to take over as an offical fork at the a new GroupId, create a pull request against this README with a pointer to the fork. If, after 3 months there are more thumbs up from users than thumbs down, I will merge the pull request for the fork with the most "votes". |
If nobody steps forward, do not expect any new releases or any work on the open issues.
Visit mvnrepository.com, select the parts you need for your project, and then add that to your build system via Gradle, Maven, or other.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.