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My dotfiles

This collection contains my shell configuration files and lists of commands and apps.

This is 300 packages. It's really for personal use but here in case someone finds it useful.


Homebrew is required to install dependencies the two shell configuration files rely on.

Clone this repository and copy .zprofile and .zshrc to your home directory.

Lastly, run the commands below to install:

  • The Homebrew packages listed in the Brewfile
  • The Go packages in the Gofile
  • The Rust packages in the Rustfile
  • The JavaScript packages in the Npmfile
  • The Python packages in the Pythonfile
brew bundle install --no-lock
xargs -n 1 go install < Gofile
cargo install $(tr '\n' ' ' < Rustfile)
pnpm install -g $(tr '\n' ' ' < Npmfile)
xargs -n 1 pipx install < Pythonfile
