This API class wraps Faulhaber motor driver communication into functions that directly invoke motor motion.
There are 2 ways of invoking robot motion through the given set of scripts:
User Interface - In this mode the robot is remotely controlled from the user's computer keyboard over TCP.
Control keys:
x - increment speed on both motors.
z - decrement speed on both motors.
left arrow - increment speed on the right motor, decrement speed on the left motor (turn left).
right arrow - increment speed on the left motor, decrement speed on the right motor (turn right).
Note that the speeds are capped, once the speed limit is reached further increments are ignored. -
Encoder based motion - Robot moves autonomously when appropriate API function is called. Uses encoder to travel a set amount of steps/millimeters or rotate a set amount of steps/degrees. - Contains the API class to communicate with Faulhaber motor drivers. - A socket server for the remote robot control. Runs on the robot. - A socket client for the remote robot control. Runs on the user's computer. - Adapter class to implement user interface based motor control. - An example of encoder based motion in a zig-zag pattern.
- pyserial - Provides serial communication with Faulhaber motor drivers.
- keyboard - Used to controll the robot from user's keyboard.
Built on a A Raspberry Pi 4. ** to be continued **