- Clone the code into a directory called gpuRace
git clone --branch=master https://github.com/ssomesh/gpuRace
- The source code is present in the file matrixInverse.cpp
- Build Kokkos with the default configuration
- {Kokkos root directory path}/generate_makefile.bash --kokkos-path={Kokkos root directory path} --prefix={install path}
- Inside the folder gpuRace, do the following :
- set the environment variable KOKKOS_PATH
> export KOKKOS_PATH=*path_to_kokkos_root_directory*
> export KOKKOS_PATH=${HOME}/Software/kokkos
- Compile matrixInverse.cpp and execute
> make > ./matrixInverse.host
- set the environment variable KOKKOS_PATH
- There are 7 test cases in matrixInverse.cpp. The output of each of the test cases will be printed to stdout upon executing matrixInverse.host.
- The code has been tested on a machine running CentOS 7.4 . It was compiled with GCC version 4.8.4 and the latest version of Kokkos (cloned from github).