This folder contains the code necessary to rerun the analysis from Johnson et al. (2015) using the ss3sim package.
Summary: Using ss3sim, Monte Carlo simulations were used to evaluate the ability of statistical age-structured models to estimate spawning-stock biomass, fishing mortality, and total allowable catch when natural mortality varied with time in the true population but was unaccounted for in the estimation methods.
Please direct all questions regarding the code to Kelli Johnson ([email protected]).
Johnson, K. F., Monnahan, C. C., McGilliard, C. R., Vert-pre, K. A., Anderson, S. C., Cunningham, C. J., Hurtado-Ferro, F., et al. 2015. Time-varying natural mortality in fisheries stock assessment models: identifying a default approach. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 72(1): 137-150. 10.1093/icesjms/fsu055 ([PDF] ( "PDF of Johnson et al. (2015)")).