These are the trajectories at 300.8 K for ccUUCGgg and ccGAGAgg reported in Bottaro et al. 2017 JPCL (see reference below). We make available a sample plumed.dat file used for the analysis, the resulting free energy surfaces (fes) as well as the HILLS files.
The full trajectories as well as trajectories at different temperatures are avilable upon request at [email protected] or at sandro dot bottaro (snail) gmail dot com.
@article{bottaro2016free, title={Free Energy Landscape of GAGA and UUCG RNA Tetraloops}, author={Bottaro, Sandro and Ban{'a}{\v{s}}, Pavel and Sponer, Jiri and Bussi, Giovanni}, journal={Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters}, volume={7}, number={20}, pages={4032--4038}, year={2016} }