Native Visual Studio solution/project files to compile the latest libssh on Windows x86/x64/Release/Debug
libssh uses CMake. This does not generate good solution/project files, especially needs to be configured for x86/x64 separately. The concept of installing it in standard locations (like /usr/local/lib) and getting dependencies from such locations is not practiced widely in Windows, where projects are installed into their own folders and variables like LIB is used to link against these.
Visual Studio has a more advanced version of the same in References, which allow one to link to a project and it automatically links to the correct library given the current target (x86/x64/Release/Debug) without having to specify hardcoded library paths or names.
- git clone libssh, tested w/ v0.9.5
- git clone libssh-x86_x64 to another folder
- Copy the build folder downloaded above to the root of the libssh source tree.
To compile libssh, you need
- zlib, tested w/ v1.2.11
- Use my zlib-x86_x64 to compile zlib on Windows.
- OpenSSL, tested w/ v1.1.1j-DEV
- You can use my openssl-x86_x64 to compile openssl on Windows.